16-1602 - Notice and conduct of election.

§  16-1602 Notice and conduct of election. If the proposition is to be  submitted at an annual election, notice thereof shall be  given  by  the  board  of  trustees  by  posting  notices  in  five public places in the  village, and publishing the same in  the  official  newspaper  at  least  twenty  days  before such annual election. In the event that the village  maintains a website, one of the posting requirements may be fulfilled by  posting such information on the website. If it is to be submitted  at  a  special  election, notice of such election and of the submission of such  proposition thereat, shall be given in the same manner and for the  same  time  as for the submission of such a proposition at an annual election.  Such a special election shall be held by the same officers and conducted  and the result canvassed in the same manner as provided by  law  for  an  annual election in such village.