39 - Right to compensation.

§  39.  Right  to compensation. If an employee is disabled or dies and  his disability or death is caused by one of the  diseases  mentioned  in  subdivision  two  of section three, and the disease is due to the nature  of the corresponding employment as  described  in  such  subdivision  in  which  such  employee  was engaged and was contracted therein, he or his  dependents shall be entitled to compensation for  the  duration  of  his  disablement  or  for  his  death  in  accordance  with the provisions of  articles two and three of this chapter, provided, however,  that  if  it  shall  be  determined that an employee so disabled is able to earn wages  at another occupation which shall be neither unhealthful nor  injurious,  and  such  wages  do  not  equal his full wages prior to the date of his  disablement, the compensation payable shall be computed pursuant to  the  provisions of article two of this chapter.