§ 105-449.75. (Effective until January 1, 2009) License holder must notify the Secretary of discontinuance of business.

§105‑449.75.  (Effective until January 1, 2009) License holder must notifythe Secretary of discontinuance of business.

A license holder that stopsengaging in this State in the business for which the license was issued mustgive the Secretary written notice of the change and must surrender the licenseto the Secretary.  The notice must give the date the change takes effect and,if the license holder has transferred the business to another by sale orotherwise, the date of the transfer and the name and address of the person towhom the business is transferred.

If the license holder is asupplier, all taxes for which the supplier is liable under this Article but arenot yet due become due on the date of the change.  If the supplier hastransferred the business to another and does not give the notice required bythis section, the person to whom the supplier has transferred the business isliable for the amount of any tax the supplier owed the State on the date thebusiness was transferred.  The liability of the person to whom the business istransferred is limited to the value of the property acquired from the supplier. (1995, c. 390, s. 3.)

§ 105‑449.75. (Effective January 1, 2009) License holder must notify the Secretary ofdiscontinuance of business.

A license holder that stopsengaging in this State in the business for which the license was issued mustgive the Secretary written notice of the change and must surrender the licenseto the Secretary. The notice must give the date the change takes effect and, ifthe license holder has transferred the business to another by sale orotherwise, the date of the transfer and the name and address of the person towhom the business is transferred.

The license holder isresponsible for all taxes for which the license holder is liable under thisArticle but are not yet due. If the license holder has transferred the businessto another and does not give the notice required by this section, the person towhom the license holder has transferred the business is liable for the amountof any tax the license holder owed the State on the date the business wastransferred. The liability of the person to whom the business is transferred islimited to the value of the property acquired from the license holder.  (1995, c. 390, s. 3; 2008‑134,s. 31.)