§ 143C-10-1. Offenses for violation of Chapter.

Article 10.


§ 143C‑10‑1. Offenses for violation of Chapter.

(a)        Class 1misdemeanor. – It is a Class 1 misdemeanor for a person to knowingly andwillfully do any one or more of the following:

(1)        Withdraw funds fromthe State treasury for any purpose not authorized by an act of appropriation.

(2)        Approve anyfraudulent, erroneous, or otherwise invalid claim or bill to be paid from anappropriation.

(3)        Make a writtenstatement, give a certificate, issue a report, or utter a document required by thisChapter, any portion of which is false.

(4)        Fail or refuse toperform a duty imposed by this Chapter.

(b)        Class A1misdemeanor. – It is a Class A1 misdemeanor for a person to make a falsestatement in violation of G.S. 143C‑6‑23(c).

(c)        Forfeiture of Officeor Employment. – An appointed officer or employee of the State or an officer oremployee of a political subdivision of the State, whether elected or appointed,forfeits his office or employment upon conviction of an offense under thissection. An elected officer of the State is subject to impeachment forcommitting any of the offenses specified in this section. (2006‑203, s. 3.)