§ 58-92-5. Findings.

§ 58‑92‑5. Findings.

The General Assembly finds:

(1)        Cigarettes are theleading cause of fire deaths in this State and the nation.

(2)        Each year in theUnited States, 700‑900 persons are killed due to cigarette fires, and3,000 are injured in fires ignited by cigarettes, while in this State, therewere 2,916 cigarette‑related fires in North Carolina during the period2001‑2006.

(3)        A high proportion ofthe victims of cigarette fires are nonsmokers, including senior citizens andyoung children.

(4)        Cigarette‑causedfires result in billions of dollars of property losses and damages in theUnited States and millions of dollars in this State.

(5)        Cigarette firesunnecessarily jeopardize firefighters and result in avoidable emergencyresponse costs for municipalities.

(6)        In 2004, New YorkState implemented a cigarette fire‑safety regulation requiring cigarettessold in that state to meet a fire‑safety performance standard; in 2005,Vermont and California enacted cigarette fire‑safety laws directlyincorporating New York's regulation into statute; and, in 2006, Illinois, NewHampshire, and Massachusetts joined these states in enacting such laws.

(7)        In 2005, Canadaimplemented the New York State fire‑safety standard contained in theother state laws, becoming the first nation to have a cigarette fire‑safetystandard.

(8)        New York State'scigarette fire‑safety standard is based upon decades of research by theNational Institute of Standards and Technology, congressional research groups,and private industry.

(9)        This cigarette fire‑safetystandard minimizes costs to the State and minimally burdens cigarettemanufacturers, distributors, and retail sellers, and, therefore, should becomelaw in this State.

(10)      It is thereforefitting and proper for this State to adopt the cigarette fire‑safetystandard that is in effect in New York State to reduce the likelihood thatcigarettes will cause fires and result in deaths, injuries, and propertydamages. (2007‑451,s. 1.)