§ 8-26. Local: records of deeds and wills in Anson.

§8‑26.  Local: records of deeds and wills in Anson.

The copies of the deeds anddeed books and of the wills and will books made in Anson County under the actof March second, one thousand nine hundred and five, shall have the same forceand effect as the original deeds and deed books copied and as the originalwills and will books copied, and shall take the place of said original deedsand deed books and wills and will books as evidence in all court procedure; andwherever said deed books or will books are ordered or directed to be producedin court by subpoena or other order of court,  the copies made under such actshall be produced, unless the court shall specially order the production of theoriginal books, and the copies so produced in court shall have the samevalidity and effect and be used for the same purposes, with the same effect, asthe original books. (1905, c. 663, s. 3; Rev., s. 1615; C.S., s. 1771.)