§ 90-154.1. Collection of certain fees prohibited.

§ 90‑154.1. Collection of certain fees prohibited.

(a)        Any patient or any other person responsible for payment hasthe right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment forany service, examination, or treatment other than the advertised reduced rateservice, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of and within72 hours of responding to any advertisement for a free or reduced rate service,free or reduced rate examination, or free or reduced rate treatment. Anyfurther treatment shall be agreed upon in writing and signed by both parties.

(b)        Any chiropractic advertisement that offers a free or reducedrate service, examination or treatment shall contain the following notice toprospective patients: "If you decide to purchase additional treatment, youhave the legal right to change your mind within three days and receive arefund." If the advertisement is published in print, the foregoing noticeshall appear in capital letters clearly distinguishable from the rest of the text.If the advertisement is broadcast on radio or television, the foregoing noticeshall be recited at the end of the advertisement.

(c)        Repealed by Session Laws 1995, c. 188, s. 2.

(d)        Any bill sent to a patient or any other person responsiblefor payment as a result of the patient responding to a chiropracticadvertisement shall clearly contain the language of the first sentence ofsubsection (a) and have distinguished on its face the charge for the reducedrate services, including an itemization of free services, and the separatecharge for any services, examinations or treatments other than the advertisedfree or reduced rate services, examinations, or treatments. The reduced ratecharges shall be labeled "Free or Reduced Rate Charges" and any othercharges shall be labeled "Non‑advertised Services, Examinations, orTreatments". (1985, c. 367, s.3; 1987, c. 733; 1995, c. 188, s. 2.)