§ 90-270.6. Psychology Board; appointment; term of office; composition.

§ 90‑270.6.  PsychologyBoard; appointment; term of office; composition.

For the purpose of carryingout the provisions of this Article, there is created a North CarolinaPsychology Board, which shall consist of seven members appointed by theGovernor. At all times three members shall be licensed psychologists, twomembers shall be licensed psychological associates, and two members shall bemembers of the public who are not licensed under this Article. The Governorshall give due consideration to the adequate representation of the variousfields and areas of practice of psychology and to adequate representation fromvarious geographic regions in the State. Terms of office shall be three years.All terms of service on the Board expire June 30 in appropriate years. As theterm of a psychologist member expires, or as a vacancy of a psychologist memberoccurs for any other reason, the North Carolina Psychological Association, orits successor, shall, having sought the advice of the chairs of the graduatedepartments of psychology in the State, for each vacancy, submit to theGovernor a list of the names of three eligible persons. From this list theGovernor shall make the appointment for a full term, or for the remainder ofthe unexpired term, if any. Each Board member shall serve until his or hersuccessor has been appointed. As the term of a member expires, or if one shouldbecome vacant for any reason, the Governor shall appoint a new member within 60days of the vacancy's occurring. No member, either public or licensed underthis Article, shall serve more than three complete consecutive terms. (1967, c. 910, s. 6; 1977, c.670, s. 5; 1979, c. 670, s. 3; c. 1005, s. 2; 1983, c. 82, ss. 1‑3; 1993,c. 375, s. 1; 2007‑468, s. 3.)