15-52 State Medical Center

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CHAPTER 15-52STATE MEDICAL CENTER15-52-01.School of medicine and health sciences.The primary purpose of theuniversity of North Dakota school of medicine and health sciences is to educate physicians and<br>other health professionals and to enhance the quality of life in North Dakota. Other purposes<br>include the discovery of knowledge that benefits the people of this state and enhances the quality<br>of their lives.15-52-02. Control and operation. The control and operation of the university of NorthDakota school of medicine and health sciences is the duty and responsibility of the administrative<br>authorities of the university of North Dakota and its medical school under the policies of the state<br>board of higher education or its successor in authority.15-52-03. School of medicine and health sciences advisory council - Members,terms, meetings.1.To assure the proper coordination of the university of North Dakota school of<br>medicine and health sciences with all other health activities of the state, a<br>permanent school of medicine and health sciences advisory council is established to<br>perform the duties in section 15-52-04.2.The council consists of fifteen members:a.(1)Two members of the senate, one of whom must be from the majority<br>party and one of whom must be from the minority party, selected by the<br>chairman of the legislative management; and(2)Two members of the house of representatives, one of whom must be<br>from the majority party and one of whom must be from the minority party,<br>to be selected by the chairman of the legislative management;b.One member selected by each of the following:(1)The department of human services;(2)The state board of higher education;(3)The state department of health;(4)The North Dakota medical association;(5)The North Dakota healthcare association;(6)The veterans administration hospital in Fargo; and(7)The university of North Dakota center for rural health; andc.Four members selected by the dean of the university of North Dakota school of<br>medicine and health sciences, one from each of the four campuses of the<br>school of medicine and health sciences with headquarters in Bismarck, Fargo,<br>Grand Forks, and Minot.3.The representatives named by the state agencies and boards must be selected to<br>serve as members of the advisory council for periods of at least one year, but may<br>not serve longer than their term of office on the public agency. The representatives<br>from the North Dakota state medical association and the North Dakota healthcarePage No. 1association shall serve a term of three years or until their successors are named and<br>qualified.4.The council shall name its own chairman and the dean of the university of North<br>Dakota school of medicine and health sciences shall serve as executive secretary of<br>the council. The council shall meet not less than twice each year, and, from time to<br>time, on its own motion or upon request of the university administration.15-52-04. Duties of council.1.The advisory council, in consultation with the school of medicine and health sciences<br>and the other agencies, associations, and institutions represented on the advisory<br>council, shall study and make recommendations regarding the strategic plan,<br>programs, and facilities of the school of medicine and health sciences.2.Biennially,theadvisorycouncilshallsubmitareport,togetherwithitsrecommendations, to the agencies, associations, and institutions represented on the<br>advisory council, to the university of North Dakota, and to the legislative council.3.a.The report must describe the advisory council's recommendations regarding<br>the strategic plan, programs, and facilities of the school of medicine and health<br>sciences as developed under subsection 1.The recommendations forimplementing strategies through the school of medicine and health sciences or<br>other agencies and institutions must:(1)Address the health care needs of the people of the state; and(2)Provide information regarding the state's health care workforce needs.b.The recommendations required under subdivision a may address:(1)Medical education and training;(2)The recruitment and retention of physicians and other health care<br>professionals;(3)Factors influencing the practice environment for physicians and other<br>health care professionals;(4)Access to health care;(5)Patient safety;(6)The quality of health care and the efficiency of its delivery; and(7)Financial challenges in the delivery of health care.4.The council may consult with any individual or entity in performing its duties under<br>this section.15-52-05. Facilities. The university authorities shall make the facilities of the universityof North Dakota school of medicine and health sciences available to all agencies of the state,<br>federal, and local governments engaged in health and welfare activities to the fullest extent<br>possible within the limits of a complete and coordinated program for the use thereof on terms<br>commensurate with the cost of services rendered and facilities furnished. The work of the school<br>of medicine and health sciences must be coordinated with the work of the other departments of<br>the university of North Dakota. Means must be provided whereby regularly enrolled students in<br>other schools or departments of the university of North Dakota may, upon approval of the dean of<br>such other school or department, enroll in elective courses in the medical school and receivePage No. 2credit therefor in the school or department in which they are regularly enrolled. Medical students<br>may enroll in other departments and schools. Such action must be taken as may serve to make<br>both the school of medicine and health sciences and the other departments and schools of the<br>university of North Dakota more efficient and responsive to needs of the people through the<br>mutual interchange of facilities, and service, wherever possible.15-52-06. Fees and charges of medical center. Repealed by S.L. 1987, ch. 234, </p> <BR></DIV><!-- /.col.one --><!-- /.col.two --></DIV><!-- /.col.main --></DIV><!-- /div id = content --> <BR class=clear></DIV> <!-- /div id = livearea --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.one --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.main --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#content --><BR class=clear> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#livearea --> <!-- Footer--> <DIV id=footer> <DIV class=container> <P class=copyright>Copyright &copy; 2012-2022 Laws9.Com All rights reserved. </P><!-- /.copyright --> <P class=footerlinks><A href="/contactus.html">Contact Us</A> | <A href="/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | <A href="/terms.html">Terms</A> | <A href="/privacy.html">Privacy</A></P><!-- /.footerlinks --> </DIV><!-- /.container --> </DIV><!-- /footer --> </BODY></HTML>