36-01 State Board of Animal Health

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TITLE 36LIVESTOCKCHAPTER 36-01STATE BOARD OF ANIMAL HEALTH36-01-00.1. Definitions. In this chapter unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1.&quot;Board&quot; means the state board of animal health.2.&quot;Commissioner&quot; means the agriculture commissioner.3.&quot;Domestic animal&quot; means dog, cat, horse, bovine animal, sheep, goat, bison,<br>farmed elk, llama, alpaca, or swine.4.&quot;Nontraditional livestock&quot; means any wildlife held in a cage, fence, enclosure, or<br>other manmade means of confinement that limits its movement within definite<br>boundaries or an animal that is physically altered to limit movement and facilitate<br>capture.36-01-01. State board of animal health - Appointment - Terms - Qualifications.1.The state board of animal health consists of nine members appointed by the<br>governor for terms of seven years each with their terms of office so arranged that<br>two terms expire on the first day of August in one year and one term expires on the<br>first day of August in each of the next six years. The term of the individual appointed<br>to represent the nontraditional livestock industry expires on August 1, 2010.Noindividual may be appointed to more than two 7-year terms on the board.2.Each member of the board must be a qualified elector of this state. Each member of<br>the board, immediately after appointment, shall take the oath of office required of<br>civil officers.3.The members of the board must include:a.One individual who is actively engaged and financially interested in the<br>commercial beef cattle industry and who shall represent the industry on the<br>board;b.One individual who is actively engaged and financially interested in the<br>registered purebred beef cattle industry and who shall represent the industry on<br>the board;c.One individual who is actively engaged and financially interested in the dairy<br>cattle industry and who shall represent the industry on the board;d.One individual who is actively engaged and financially interested in the swine<br>industry and who shall represent the industry on the board;e.One individual who is actively engaged and financially interested in the sheep<br>industry and who shall represent the industry on the board;f.One individual who is actively engaged and financially interested in the bison<br>industry and who shall represent the industry on the board;Page No. 1g.One individual who is actively engaged and financially interested in the<br>nontraditional livestock industry and who shall represent the industry on the<br>board; andh.Two individuals who are licensed veterinarians.4.Vacancies occurring prior to the expiration of terms of office must be filled by<br>appointment by the governor and must be for the balance of the unexpired term.5.Recommendations for the appointment of individuals to the board may be made to<br>the governor by the North Dakota stockmen's association for the individuals<br>representing commercial beef cattle, by the various registered purebred beef cattle<br>associations for the individual representing the registered purebred beef cattle<br>industry, by the various dairy breed associations for the individual representing the<br>dairy cattle industry, by the North Dakota swine breeders' association for the<br>individual representing the swine industry, by the North Dakota wool growers'<br>association for the individual representing the sheep industry, by the state veterinary<br>medical association for the two veterinarians, by the North Dakota buffalo<br>association for the individual representing the bison industry, by the nontraditional<br>livestock industry for the individual representing the nontraditional livestock industry,<br>and by any associations within this state representing livestock industries as the<br>governor may permit. Two recommendations must be submitted for each position to<br>be filled.36-01-02. Meetings of board - Limitations on number - Special. The state board ofanimal health shall hold its meetings at the state capitol at such times as it may designate, but<br>there may not be more than four regular meetings in any one year. The president of the board<br>may call a special meeting whenever in the president's judgment it becomes necessary.36-01-03.Officers of board - Election.The board shall elect a president and asecretary from among its members. The commissioner shall provide clerical services to the<br>board.36-01-04. Compensation and expenses of members of board. Each member of theboard shall receive as compensation for services the sum of one hundred thirty-five dollars per<br>day for each day employed and actual expenses incurred in attending the meetings of the board.<br>The sum must be paid out of the state treasury upon vouchers duly certified by the<br>commissioner.36-01-05. State veterinarian - Appointment. The commissioner shall, with the consentof the board, appoint the state veterinarian and deputy state veterinarian. The state veterinarian<br>and deputy state veterinarian must be competent and skilled veterinarians and graduates of a<br>veterinary medicine and surgery course at a recognized college or university. The commissioner<br>may remove the state veterinarian or deputy state veterinarian for cause. At the request of the<br>board, the commissioner shall deputize persons licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this<br>state as assistant state veterinarians.Deputized persons shall serve during periods ofemergency and only for the time period determined by the board.36-01-06. State veterinarian - Duties. The state veterinarian shall:1.Ascertain, by personal examination or through reports from other authorized<br>representatives or agents of the commissioner, all information which can be<br>obtained regarding the existence of contagious, infectious, and epizootic diseases of<br>animals.2.Execute all orders and rules made by the board.3.Execute all duties prescribed for the state veterinarian in title 36 and all duties and<br>responsibilities otherwise authorized by the board that are necessary and proper inPage No. 2order to accomplish the business of the board of animal health and carry into effect<br>the purposes of this title.4.Present at the meetings of the board a detailed report of all matters connected with<br>the work of the state veterinarian and authorized representatives of the board during<br>the time since the last meeting.36-01-07. Consulting veterinarian of board - Duties - Compensation. The boardshall choose a veterinarian on staff at North Dakota state university to act as consulting<br>veterinarian to the board. The term of appointment is open and at the will of the board. At the<br>discretion of the board, the consulting veterinarian, or any United States department of<br>agriculture approved laboratory shall make diagnostic examinations of all diseased animals or<br>portions thereof or of such material as may be forwarded by the board or the commissioner's<br>duly authorized agents. For services, the consulting veterinarian or United States department of<br>agriculture approved laboratory is entitled to receive such compensation as the commissioner<br>may deem proper, which must be paid out of the fund appropriated for the use of the<br>commissioner.36-01-08. Duties - Rules - Fees - Continuing appropriation. The board shall protectthe health of the domestic animals and nontraditional livestock of this state, shall determine and<br>employ the most efficient and practical means for the prevention, suppression, control, and<br>eradication of dangerous, contagious, and infectious diseases among the domestic animals and<br>nontraditional livestock of this state, and shall prevent the escape and release of an animal<br>injurious to or competitive with agriculture, horticulture, forestry, wild animals, and other natural<br>resource interests. For the purpose of preventing the escape and release of an animal injurious<br>to or competitive with agriculture, horticulture, forestry, wild animals, and other natural resource<br>interests, the board may, by rule, quarantine any such animal, cause any such animal to be<br>killed, regulate or prohibit the arrival in or departure from this state of any such animal, and at the<br>cost of the owner thereof, the board may detain any animal found to be in violation of any rule or<br>prohibition. Any matter relating to the health and welfare of domestic animals and nontraditional<br>livestock and not specifically assigned by statute to another entity is deemed to be within the<br>authority of the board. The board may make rules to carry into effect the purposes of this chapter<br>and other duties prescribed in this title. The commissioner shall collect fees for the actual direct<br>cost of providing each brucellosis tag, each identification tag, and each health book the<br>commissioner distributes. The fees collected by the commissioner must be deposited in the<br>agriculture commissioner's operating fund and are appropriated on a continuing basis to the state<br>board of animal health to be used to enforce this chapter.36-01-08.1. Nontraditional livestock license - Fee. The board of animal health mayrequire a license for nontraditional livestock maintained within this state. The annual fee for a<br>license for a bird species required to be licensed is seven dollars. The maximum amount of<br>annual fees for bird species licenses to be paid by a person holding more than one bird species<br>license is forty dollars. The annual fee for a license for any other species required to be licensed<br>is fifteen dollars. The maximum amount of annual fees for nonbird species licenses to be paid by<br>a person holding more than one nonbird species license is one hundred dollars.36-01-08.2.Mountain lions, wolves, and wolf hybrids held in captivity -Identification required. Any person who keeps a mountain lion, wolf, or wolf hybrid in captivity<br>must obtain an identification number from the board. The number must be tattooed in indelible<br>ink inside the ear of the animal for permanent identification purposes.36-01-08.3. Duties - Evaluations - Report. The board and the commissioner shallconduct performance evaluations of the state veterinarian and any assistant state veterinarians.36-01-08.4. Ownership of skunks and raccoons prohibited - Exception - Rules onprimates, wolves, and wolf hybrids. A person may not keep a skunk or raccoon in captivity.<br>This section does not apply to a zoo licensed by the animal care program of the animal and plant<br>health inspection service of the United States department of agriculture. The state veterinarian<br>shall confiscate and dispose of any animal kept in violation of this section. The board shall adoptPage No. 3rules governing the keeping of a primate, wolf, or wolf hybrid in captivity and to implement this<br>section. As used in this section, &quot;primate&quot; does not include a human being; &quot;wolf&quot; means any<br>animal of the species canis lupus; and &quot;wolf hybrid&quot; means any animal that is any part wolf.36-01-09. How regulations made. Repealed by S.L. 1989, ch. 425, </p> <BR></DIV><!-- /.col.one --><!-- /.col.two --></DIV><!-- /.col.main --></DIV><!-- /div id = content --> <BR class=clear></DIV> <!-- /div id = livearea --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.one --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.main --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#content --><BR class=clear> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#livearea --> <!-- Footer--> <DIV id=footer> <DIV class=container> <P class=copyright>Copyright &copy; 2012-2022 Laws9.Com All rights reserved. </P><!-- /.copyright --> <P class=footerlinks><A href="/contactus.html">Contact Us</A> | <A href="/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | <A href="/terms.html">Terms</A> | <A href="/privacy.html">Privacy</A></P><!-- /.footerlinks --> </DIV><!-- /.container --> </DIV><!-- /footer --> </BODY></HTML>