43-10 Funeral Service Practitioners

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CHAPTER 43-10FUNERAL SERVICE PRACTITIONERS43-10-01. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:1.&quot;Board&quot; means the state board of funeral service.2.&quot;Crematorium&quot; means a furnace or establishment for the cremation of corpses.3.&quot;Embalming&quot; means preparing dead human bodies for final disposition or removal<br>by the injection of antiseptic or preservative preparations into the skin, the blood<br>vessels, or cavities of the body, the external application of antiseptic solution, taking<br>charge of the remains of those dead of any communicable disease, preparing dead<br>human bodies for shipment or holding oneself out to do any of the above acts by<br>advertising or any other means.4.&quot;Final disposition&quot; means the entombment, burial in a cemetery, or cremation of a<br>dead human body.5.&quot;Funeral directing&quot; means the care and disposal of the body of a deceased person;<br>the preserving, disinfecting, and preparing, by embalming or otherwise, the body of a<br>deceased person for funeral services, transportation to a point of final disposition,<br>burial, or cremation; or arranging, directing, or supervising a funeral, memorial<br>service, or gravesite service.6.&quot;Funeral establishment&quot; means any place or premises devoted to or used in the<br>holding, care, or preparation of a dead human body for final disposition or<br>transportation or for mourning or funeral ceremony purposes.7.&quot;Funeral practitioner&quot; means a person licensed by the board to practice funeral<br>directing and embalming.8.&quot;Intern embalmer&quot; means a person registered with the board to engage in learning<br>the practice of embalming under the instruction and personal supervision of a duly<br>licensed funeral practitioner.9.&quot;Practice of funeral service&quot; means to engage in funeral directing or embalming.10.&quot;Preparation of the body&quot; means embalming of the body or such items of care as<br>washing, disinfecting, shaving, positioning of features, restorative procedures, care<br>of hair, application of cosmetics, dressing, and casketing.43-10-02. State board of funeral service - Members - Appointment - Qualifications -Term of office - Oath - Vacancies - Removal. The board consists of the state health officer<br>and three persons appointed by the governor. Each member appointed by the governor shall<br>serve for a term of four years and until a successor is appointed and qualified. The terms of<br>office of the appointed members expire on the thirtieth day of June and must be so arranged that<br>only one expires in any one year.The appointed members of the board must be personspracticing embalming in this state and must have practiced for a minimum of three years in North<br>Dakota. Each member shall qualify by taking the oath of office required of civil officers. The<br>secretary of state may administer the oath and it must be filed in the office of the secretary of<br>state. A vacancy on the board must be filled by appointment by the governor for the unexpired<br>term. The governor may remove any member of the board for good cause.43-10-03. Officers of board - Compensation of members - Treasurer's bond. Themembers of the board may elect from their number a president, a secretary, and a treasurer.<br>The treasurer must be bonded for the faithful discharge of the treasurer's duties in the sum of twoPage No. 1thousand dollars. The members shall receive their actual traveling expenses which may not<br>exceed the amount specified in section 54-06-09 and other necessary expenses.43-10-04. Meetings of the board - Quorum. The board shall meet at least once a year,and may hold such special meetings as the proper and efficient discharge of its duties requires.<br>Timely notice of all meetings must be given to every member of the board. Three members<br>constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.43-10-05. Power of board to adopt rules for transaction of business - Seal - Licensefees. The board may:1.Adopt rules to administer and carry out this chapter.2.Adopt rules regulating the practice, supervision, and instruction of intern embalmers.3.Adopt rules relating to the professional conduct of funeral directors and intern<br>embalmers.4.Adopt such rules for the transaction of its business and the management of its affairs<br>as it deems expedient and proper to administer this chapter.5.Adopt and use a seal.6.Adopt rules requiring each funeral home, at the time of selection of merchandise and<br>services from that funeral home, to disclose in writing to the person or persons<br>making the selection:a.The total price at retail of the merchandise and services selected and a listing<br>of what merchandise and services are included within such total.b.The price at retail of each item of supplemental service or merchandise<br>requested.c.The amount of cash advances to the extent that the advances are known or<br>can be ascertained at the time of the selection.d.The terms of payment for merchandise and services.7.Establish license and renewal fees for funeral service practitioners and funeral<br>establishments within the limits imposed by this chapter.8.Adopt rules regulating the operation of funeral establishments and crematoriums.9.Appoint or employ persons to assist the board in carrying out its duties under this<br>chapter.10.Accept and investigate complaints relating to conduct governed by this chapter.11.Issue subpoenas, examine witnesses, administer oaths, and investigate allegations<br>of practices violating the provisions of this chapter.43-10-06.Duty of board to adopt rules to prevent the spread of contagiousdiseases.The board shall adopt such rules as it deems proper for the disinfection of adeceased person and of bedding, clothing, apartments, or anything likely to be infected in case of<br>death from a contagious or infectious disease. The rules must be disclosed to every person<br>engaged in embalming and funeral service in this state.43-10-06.1. State board of funeral service to establish means of disposition. Thestate board of funeral service shall provide by rule for the appropriate means of disposition forPage No. 2cremated remains held by a funeral home that have not been claimed as provided in section<br>43-10-26.43-10-06.2.Continuing education requirements.The board may adopt rulesestablishing requirements for the continuing education of persons licensed under this chapter.<br>The board may refuse to renew, suspend, revoke, or place on probationary status any license<br>issued under this chapter on proof that the licensee has failed to meet the applicable continuing<br>education requirements. Applicants for accreditation of continuing education courses, classes, or<br>activities may be charged a reasonable fee determined by the board.43-10-06.3. Information seminars. The board may conduct information seminars.43-10-07. Records of board - Admissible evidence. A transcript of any matter ofrecord in the office of the board, with the certificate of the secretary thereof attached, under the<br>seal of said board, is competent evidence of such matter of record in any court in this state.43-10-08. Biennial report. The board may submit a biennial report to the governor andthe secretary of state in accordance with section 54-06-04.43-10-09. Use of fees - Funds kept by treasurer - How disbursed. Repealed byS.L. 1971, ch. 510, </p> <BR></DIV><!-- /.col.one --><!-- /.col.two --></DIV><!-- /.col.main --></DIV><!-- /div id = content --> <BR class=clear></DIV> <!-- /div id = livearea --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.one --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.main --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#content --><BR class=clear> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#livearea --> <!-- Footer--> <DIV id=footer> <DIV class=container> <P class=copyright>Copyright &copy; 2012-2022 Laws9.Com All rights reserved. </P><!-- /.copyright --> <P class=footerlinks><A href="/contactus.html">Contact Us</A> | <A href="/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | <A href="/terms.html">Terms</A> | <A href="/privacy.html">Privacy</A></P><!-- /.footerlinks --> </DIV><!-- /.container --> </DIV><!-- /footer --> </BODY></HTML>