53-05.1 Amusement Rides

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CHAPTER 53-05.1AMUSEMENT RIDES53-05.1-01.Definition.As used in this chapter, &quot;amusement ride&quot; means anymechanical device that carries or conveys passengers along, around, or over a fixed or restricted<br>route or course or within a defined area for the purpose of giving its passengers amusement,<br>pleasure, or excitement. The term does not include:1.A single-passenger, coin-operated ride that is manually, mechanically, or electrically<br>operated and customarily placed in a public location and that does not normally<br>require the supervision or services of an operator.2.Nonmechanized playground equipment, including swings, seesaws, stationary<br>spring-mounted animal features, rider-propelled merry-go-rounds, climbers, slides,<br>trampolines, and physical fitness devices.53-05.1-02.Affidavit of inspection and insurance.No person may operate anamusement ride unless that person has filed with the governing body of the city or county where<br>that person is intending to operate the amusement ride an affidavit that the ride has been<br>inspected by a qualified inspector of an insurance underwriter and that the owner or operator has<br>a current insurance policy in force written by an insurance company authorized to do business in<br>this state. The policy must insure the owner or operator against liability for injury to persons<br>arising out of the use of the amusement ride in an amount of not less than five hundred thousand<br>dollars per occurrence or an aggregate of not less than one million dollars.53-05.1-03.Records required.The owner or operator of an amusement ride shallretain at all times up-to-date maintenance and inspection records for the amusement ride and,<br>upon request, provide those records to the governing body of the city or county in which the<br>person is intending to operate the amusement ride. In addition, the owner or operator of an<br>amusement ride shall provide to the governing body of the city or county a copy of any report of<br>an accident related to an amusement ride submitted by that person to an insurer within the last<br>year.53-05.1-04. Operator - Requirements. A person may not operate an amusement rideunless that person is at least sixteen years of age. An operator must be in attendance at all<br>times that an amusement ride is in operation.53-05.1-05.Penalty - Injunction.A person who violates this chapter is guilty of aclass A misdemeanor. The governing body of a city or county may seek an injunction against a<br>person operating an amusement ride in violation of this chapter.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 53-05.1 amusement rides