54-17.5 Lignite Research, Development and Marketing

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CHAPTER 54-17.5LIGNITE RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING54-17.5-01. Declaration of findings and public purpose. The legislative assemblyfinds and declares that North Dakota's lignite industry produces approximately thirty million tons<br>of lignite annually, contributing to our state's and nation's energy independence by generating<br>electricity for more than two million people in the northern great plains region and by producing<br>synthetic natural gas from coal that heats three hundred thousand homes and businesses in<br>eastern states, which is equivalent to over twenty thousand barrels of oil per day. The legislative<br>assembly further finds and declares that North Dakota's lignite industry generates over<br>twenty-eight thousand direct and indirect jobs for North Dakota, nearly three billion dollars in<br>annual business volume, and over one hundred three million dollars in annual tax revenue. The<br>legislative assembly further finds and declares that it is an essential governmental function and<br>public purpose to assist with the development and wise use of North Dakota's vast lignite<br>resources by supporting a lignite research, development, and marketing program that promotes<br>economic, efficient, and clean uses of lignite and products derived from lignite in order to<br>maintain and enhance development of North Dakota lignite and its products; support educational<br>activities relating to the lignite industry; preserve and create jobs involved in the production and<br>utilization of North Dakota lignite; ensure economic stability, growth, and opportunity in the lignite<br>industry; and maintain a stable and competitive tax base for our state's lignite industry for the<br>general welfare of North Dakota.The legislative assembly further finds and declares thatdevelopment of North Dakota's lignite resources must be conducted in an environmentally sound<br>manner that protects our state's air, water, and soil resources as specified by applicable federal<br>and state law.54-17.5-02.Lignite research council - Compensation.The industrial commissionshall consult with the lignite research council established by executive order in matters of policy<br>affecting the administration of the lignite research fund.54-17.5-03. Priority projects, processes, and activities. In evaluating applications forfunding from the lignite research fund for North Dakota's lignite research, development, and<br>marketing program, the industrial commission and lignite research council shall give priority to<br>those projects, processes, or activities that will preserve existing jobs and production, which will<br>create the greatest number of new jobs and most additional lignite production and economic<br>growth potential in coal-producing counties or those counties with recoverable coal reserves,<br>which will attract matching private industry investment equal to at least fifty percent or more of<br>the total cost, and which will result in development and demonstration of a marketable lignite<br>product or products with a high level of probability of near term commercialization. For marketing<br>applications, priority must be given to those projects, processes, or activities that develop<br>baseline information, implement specific marketing strategies, and otherwise contribute to the<br>effective marketing of lignite and its products. For reclamation applications, priority must be<br>given to those projects, processes, or activities that will reduce unnecessary regulatory costs and<br>assist in effectively reclaiming surface mined land to its original or better productivity as soon as<br>possible. Any projects, activities, or processes selected by the commission for funding must<br>achieve the priorities and purposes of the program, must have undergone technical review and<br>be determined to have technical merit, must have generated matching private industry<br>investment, and must have received a favorable lignite research council recommendation.54-17.5-04.Industrial commission powers.The industrial commission is herebygranted all powers necessary or appropriate to carry out and effectuate the purposes of this<br>chapter, including the power:1.To make grants or loans, and to provide other forms of financial assistance as<br>necessary or appropriate, to qualified persons for research, development, and<br>marketing projects, processes, or activities directly related to lignite and products<br>derived from lignite.Page No. 12.To make and execute contracts and all other instruments necessary or convenient<br>for the performance of its powers and functions under this chapter, including the<br>authority to contract for the administration of the lignite research, development, and<br>marketing program.3.To issue evidences of indebtedness as authorized in this chapter and to borrow<br>money in an amount not to exceed six million dollars from the Bank of North Dakota<br>for a period not to exceed five years on the terms and conditions as the Bank of<br>North Dakota and the industrial commission may approve without the necessity of<br>establishing or maintaining any reserve fund as otherwise required by section<br>54-17.5-05.4.To receive and accept aid, grants, or contributions of money or other things of value<br>from any source to be held, used, and applied to carry out the purposes of this<br>chapter, subject to the conditions upon which the aid, grants, or contributions are<br>made, including aid, grants, or contributions from any department, agency, or<br>instrumentality of the United States for any purpose consistent with the provisions of<br>this chapter.5.To issue and sell evidences of indebtedness in an amount or amounts as the<br>commission may determine, plus costs of issuance, financing, and any evidences of<br>indebtedness funded reserve funds required by agreements with or for the benefit of<br>holders of the evidences of indebtedness for the purpose of funding research,<br>development, and marketing projects, processes, or activities directly related to<br>lignite and products derived from lignite.6.To refund and refinance its evidences of indebtedness from time to time as often as<br>it is advantageous and in the public interest to do so, and to pledge any and all<br>income and revenues derived by the commission under this chapter or from a<br>project, process, or activity funded under this chapter to secure payment or<br>redemption of the evidences of indebtedness.54-17.5-05. Evidences of indebtedness.1.Evidences of indebtedness issued by the industrial commission under this chapter<br>are payable solely from:a.Appropriations by the legislative assembly from moneys in the lignite research<br>fund.b.Revenues or income that may be received by the commission from lignite<br>projects, processes, or activities funded under this chapter with the proceeds of<br>the commission's evidences of indebtedness.c.Revenues or income received by the commission under this chapter from any<br>source.2.Not later than July fifteenth of each year preceding the biennial session of the<br>legislative assembly, the industrial commission shall submit to the office of the<br>budget a request for the amount required to be appropriated from the lignite<br>research fund to pay debt service on outstanding evidences of indebtedness during<br>the following biennium.3.The evidences of indebtedness are not subject to taxation by the state or any of its<br>political subdivisions and are not debt of the state or of any officer or agent of the<br>state within the meaning of any statutory or constitutional provision. The evidences<br>of indebtedness must be executed by the manual or facsimile signature of a<br>member or members of the commission and the manual signature of a designated<br>authenticating agent. Any evidences of indebtedness bearing the signature of aPage No. 2member of the commission in office at the date of signing are valid and binding for<br>all purposes notwithstanding that before delivery the person has ceased to be a<br>member of the commission.4.The industrial commission shall establish and maintain a reserve fund for evidences<br>of indebtedness issued under this chapter. There must be deposited in the reserve<br>fund:a.All moneys appropriated by the legislative assembly to the commission for the<br>purpose of the reserve fund.b.All proceeds of evidences of indebtedness issued under this chapter required to<br>be deposited in the reserve fund by the terms of any contract between the<br>commission and the holders of its evidences of indebtedness or any resolution<br>of the commission concerning the proceeds of its evidences of indebtedness.c.Any lawfully available moneys of the commission which it may determine to<br>deposit in the reserve fund.d.Any moneys from any other source made available to the commission for<br>deposit in the reserve fund.5.Moneys in the reserve fund may be expended only to pay the principal of and<br>interest on evidences of indebtedness, including payment of any premium required<br>to be paid when evidences of indebtedness are redeemed prior to maturity, and<br>sinking fund installments as the same become due and payable.6.Moneys in the reserve fund may only be withdrawn in conformity with the terms of<br>any contract between the commission and the holders of its evidences of<br>indebtedness or any resolution of the commission concerning the proceeds of its<br>evidences of indebtedness.7.The industrial commission must include in its biennial request to the office of the<br>budget the amount, if any, necessary to restore the reserve fund to an amount equal<br>to the amount required to be deposited in the fund by the terms of any contract or<br>resolution described in subdivision b of subsection 4. The legislative assembly may<br>appropriate such amount from the lignite research fund to the commission for<br>deposit in the reserve fund.If sufficient moneys are not available in the ligniteresearch fund, the legislative assembly may appropriate any amount necessary out<br>of any moneys in the general fund or any special funds in the state treasury not<br>otherwise appropriated.54-17.5-06. Access to commission records.1.Materials and data submitted to, or made or received by, the commission, to the<br>extent that the commission determines the materials or data consist of trade secrets<br>or commercial, financial, or proprietary information of individuals or entities applying<br>to or contracting with the commission or receiving commission services under this<br>chapter are subject to section 44-04-18.4.2.A person or entity must file a request with the commission to have material<br>designated as confidential under subsection 1.A request to have materialdesignated as confidential is exempt as defined in section 44-04-17.1. The request<br>must contain any information required by the commission, and must include at least<br>the following:a.A general description of the nature of the information sought to be protected.Page No. 3b.An explanation of why the information derives independent economic value,<br>actual or potential, from not being generally known to other persons.c.An explanation of why the information is not readily ascertainable by proper<br>means by other persons.d.A general description of any person or entity that may obtain economic value<br>from disclosure or use of the information, and how the person or entity may<br>obtain this value.e.A description of the efforts used to maintain the secrecy of the information.3.Any information submitted under subsection 2 is confidential. The commission shall<br>examine the request and determine whether the information is relevant to the matter<br>at hand and is a trade secret under the definition in section 47-25.1-01 or<br>44-04-18.4. If the commission determines the information is either not relevant or<br>not a trade secret, the commission shall notify the requester and the requester may<br>ask for the return of the information and request within ten days of the notice. If no<br>return is sought, the information and request are a public record.4.The names or identities of independent technical reviewers on any project or<br>programandthenamesofindividuallignitecouncilmembersmakingrecommendations are confidential and may not be disclosed by the commission.Page No. 4Document Outlinechapter 54-17.5 lignite research, development and marketing