55-10 Preservation of Historic Sites and Antiquities

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CHAPTER 55-10PRESERVATION OF HISTORIC SITES AND ANTIQUITIES55-10-01. Policy. It is hereby declared to be in the public interest to provide for thepreservation of historic sites, buildings, structures, and antiquities of state and national<br>significance for the inspiration, use, and benefit of the people of the state of North Dakota.55-10-02. Definitions.1.Land or water areas containing historical or archaeological value for the purpose of<br>this chapter are designated as &quot;state historic sites&quot;. A state historic site is also an<br>area designated by the state historical society as a site possessing historical value of<br>state or national significance. The term state historic site includes the items defined<br>in this section.2.A &quot;state historical marker&quot; is a plaque, sign, or marker authorized by the state<br>historical society and includes markers maintained by the department of<br>transportation, the state parks and recreation department, or other departments or<br>agencies of the state and its governmental subdivisions.3.A &quot;state archaeological site&quot; is an area that primarily relates to prehistoric man,<br>designated by the state historical society as possessing state or national<br>significance.4.The &quot;state historic sites registry&quot; is a listing of sites designated by the state historical<br>board as state historic sites according to written criteria established by the board.<br>Sites that have lost characteristics for which they were determined to meet the<br>criteria may be removed from the registry by the state historical board. This registry,<br>and any subsequent annual updates, must be published and distributed.55-10-03. State historic sites - Registry. Repealed by S.L. 2001, ch. 503, </p> <BR></DIV><!-- /.col.one --><!-- /.col.two --></DIV><!-- /.col.main --></DIV><!-- /div id = content --> <BR class=clear></DIV> <!-- /div id = livearea --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.one --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.main --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#content --><BR class=clear> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#livearea --> <!-- Footer--> <DIV id=footer> <DIV class=container> <P class=copyright>Copyright &copy; 2012-2022 Laws9.Com All rights reserved. </P><!-- /.copyright --> <P class=footerlinks><A href="/contactus.html">Contact Us</A> | <A href="/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | <A href="/terms.html">Terms</A> | <A href="/privacy.html">Privacy</A></P><!-- /.footerlinks --> </DIV><!-- /.container --> </DIV><!-- /footer --> </BODY></HTML>