58-16 Sidewalks and Streetlights in Unincorporated Townsite

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CHAPTER 58-16SIDEWALKS AND STREETLIGHTS IN UNINCORPORATED TOWNSITE58-16-01. Petition for construction of sidewalks or installation of streetlights inunincorporated townsites - Contents - Ordering construction or installation.When amajority of the lot owners on any street in any block within the platted limits of an unincorporated<br>townsite shall petition the board of supervisors of the township in which the unincorporated<br>townsite, or the greater portion thereof, is situated, praying that a sidewalk be constructed or<br>streetlights be installed along the side of a street or thoroughfare within the platted limits<br>described in the petition, the board, by resolution, shall order the construction of the sidewalk or a<br>portion thereof by the owner of the land along which the sidewalk is to be built, if it appears that<br>the sidewalk described and prayed for in the petition is necessary to connect sidewalks already<br>built or that public convenience and necessity require its construction, and shall order and make<br>all necessary contracts and arrangements for the installation of streetlights if the public<br>convenience or necessity require the installation.58-16-02.Notice to owner to construct sidewalk - Failure to construct.Twopublications of the resolution provided in section 58-16-01 in a paper printed or published in the<br>unincorporated townsite are sufficient notice to the owner of the land along which the sidewalk is<br>to be built to construct the same. If no newspaper is published in the unincorporated townsite,<br>the resolution must be published in a newspaper in the municipality nearest to the unincorporated<br>townsite. If the owner fails to construct a fully completed sidewalk within thirty days after the last<br>publication of the resolution, the board of township supervisors shall cause such portion of the<br>sidewalk as has not been built by the owners of the lands to be built at the expense of the owners<br>upon contract or in such manner as the board may determine.58-16-03.Assessment and levy upon property - Form.The board of townshipsupervisors shall assess and levy upon each lot or parcel of land along which the sidewalk has<br>been built by the township a sum sufficient to cover the cost of the construction thereof and shall<br>assess and levy against each lot or parcel of land benefited by the installation of streetlights by<br>the township. The assessment must be in substantially the following form:The board of supervisors of the township of ____________________ assesses upon and<br>levies against the several parcels of land hereinafter described the respective sums of<br>money set against each lot or parcel. This assessment is made to defray the cost of a<br>______________sidewalkorstreetlightsalongthe_____________sideof____________ to ______________ in accordance with the resolution of the board of<br>township supervisors passed on _____________, ______, and duly published in<br>_________________ on _______________, _______.The amount assessed againstand levied upon each lot or parcel being the amount that it cost to construct or reconstruct<br>the sidewalk along and fronting upon the same lot or parcel of land. When streetlights<br>are installed the cost of the installation must be assessed and levied against all lots or<br>parcels of land that benefit from the streetlights.______________________________________________________________________DescriptionName of Owner, if knownof landAmount______________________________________________________________________LotBlockDollars Cents________________________________________________________________________Done at a meeting of the board of supervisors of the township of ____________ on_____________, ______._________________________ChairmanAttest:<br>___________________________Township ClerkPage No. 158-16-04.Petition for repair or reconstruction of a sidewalk or streetlights -Procedure followed.If the petition described in section 58-16-01 prays for the repair orreconstruction of a sidewalk or streetlights, the same procedure must be had as is prescribed for<br>the construction of new sidewalks or streetlights.58-16-05. Township supervisors to prescribe material for construction or repair ofsidewalks or streetlights and the type of light fixture to be used. The board of township<br>supervisors shall prescribe the material of which the sidewalks must be constructed or with which<br>they must be repaired, or the type of light fixture or equipment used or with which they must be<br>prepared.Whenever a sidewalk to be constructed as provided in this chapter connectssidewalks already in existence, the new sidewalk must be constructed, as nearly as practicable,<br>of the same material as the sidewalks which it connects.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 58-16 sidewalks and streetlights in unincorporated townsite