ORS Chapter 479

Chapter 479 — Protectionof Buildings From Fire; Electrical Safety Law










479.015     Smokingin public elevator prohibited; penalty


479.018     Definitionfor ORS 479.020 and 479.060


479.020     Buildingsrequiring fire escapes; exceptions


479.030     Hospitalescape exits


479.040     Specificationsfor construction of fire escapes


479.050     Certainfire escapes to extend to ground or have approved counterbalanced stairways


479.060     Locationof fire escapes; accessibility; freedom from obstructions; buildings of threeor more stories


479.080     Redor green lights to show location of fire escapes; fire warning system


479.090     Stationaryladders; standpipe specifications; hospital requirements


479.100     Publicgarage regulation; rules


479.130     Tentsor canvas-covered structures for public assembly to be flame resistant


479.140     Schoolfire prevention


479.150     Outward-swingingdoors required in public buildings; rules


479.155     Planof proposed construction or alteration; declaration of value; approval of plan;effect of approval; rules


479.160     Existingnonconforming buildings; permit for use and occupancy


479.165     Certificationof fire officials; rules


479.168     Definitionsfor ORS 479.168 to 479.190 and 479.990


479.170     Orderingrepair of, or removal of material from, buildings


479.180     Appealfrom order to comply with fire prevention statutes


479.190     Liabilityin damages for failure to comply with order under ORS 479.170


479.195     Postingof notice of maximum allowable number of persons; closure of buildings;judicial review


479.200     Watersupply requirement for certain public buildings




479.210     “Institution”defined for ORS 479.215 to 479.220


479.215     Institutionnot to be licensed or certificated unless in compliance with fire safetyrequirements; inspection; list of licensed or approved institutions


479.217     Temporarypermit in lieu of inspection approval under ORS 479.215; cancellation; extensionor renewal


479.220     Institutioninspection by State Fire Marshal; notification to licensing agency ofnoncompliance




479.250     Definitionsfor ORS 479.250 to 479.305


479.255     Smokealarm or smoke detector required in certain structures; alarms and devices forpersons who are hard of hearing


479.257     Designfeatures required for certain smoke alarms; rules


479.258     Provisionof notice of smoke alarm or smoke detector requirements for persons who arehard of hearing; rules


479.260     Transferof dwelling unit or lodging house without smoke alarm or smoke detectorprohibited


479.265     Actionfor unlawful transfer of dwelling unit; damages; attorney fees


479.270     Ownerof rental dwelling unit to supply, install and maintain smoke alarm or smokedetector; instructions for testing to be provided


479.275     Tenantof rental dwelling unit to test smoke alarm or smoke detector and replace deadbatteries


479.280     Lackof properly operating smoke alarm or smoke detector; complaint; investigation;citation


479.285     Ownerto maintain and test certain smoke alarms and smoke detectors


479.290     Certainpersons not liable for damages resulting from mechanical failure of smoke alarmor smoke detector


479.295     StateFire Marshal to adopt rules setting standards and providing for implementationof certain laws governing smoke alarms and smoke detectors


479.297     Smokealarms; required equipment; exemptions


479.300     Removingor tampering with smoke alarm or smoke detector prohibited


479.305     Smokingpolicy disclosure




479.510     Shorttitle


479.520     Purpose


479.525     Applicationof Electrical Safety Law; uniformity


479.530     Definitionsfor ORS 479.510 to 479.945 and 479.995


479.540     Exemptions;rules


479.545     Licenserequired of state employee; letter of authority


479.550     Nowork on new electrical installation until permit issued; temporary permit;rules


479.560     Issuanceof permit; when permit becomes void; master electrical inspection permit; rules


479.565     Masterindividual inspection permits; fee


479.570     Energizingof electrical installations; rules


479.610     Installationof uncertified electrical product prohibited


479.620     Certainelectrical license required; electrical installations by unlicensed personsprohibited


479.630     Requirementsfor obtaining licenses; rules


479.632     Applicanttraining or experience obtained in another state


479.670     Maintenanceof action or suit by unlicensed person prohibited


479.680     Adoptionof rules by Electrical and Elevator Board; establishment of continuingeducation program


479.710     Electricalinstallations must meet minimum safety standards


479.730     Adoptionof rules by Director of Department of Consumer and Business Services


479.740     Factorsto be considered in adopting rules; incorporation of standards by reference


479.760     Certificationof electrical products; safety indicators


479.770     Approvedelectric ignition pilot required on certain appliances


479.810     Administrationand enforcement; Chief Electrical Inspector; inspector qualifications; rules


479.815     Inspectorconflicts of interest; rules


479.820     Dutiesand powers in enforcing law


479.835     Recoveryof purchase price of product not meeting applicable laws


479.840     Fees;rules; means to guarantee payment


479.845     Limitationon use of local government fees


479.850     Dispositionof receipts


479.853     Appealprocedure; distribution of major code interpretation decisions


479.854     Authorityof municipality to require license; approval of ordinance


479.855     Cityand county inspection and enforcement programs


479.860     Personsauthorized to design, plan and lay out electrical installations; rules


479.870     Electricaland Elevator Board to prescribe uniform fee calculation and permit format;review; rules


479.905     Definitionsfor ORS 479.870 and 479.905 to 479.945


479.910     Limitedenergy technician license; compliance with other laws; fees; continuingeducation


479.915     Limitedenergy technician license requirements


479.940     Activitiesnot subject to licensure under ORS 479.510 to 479.945; identification cards


479.943     Activitiesnot subject to licensure under ORS 479.905 to 479.945


479.945     Restrictedenergy contractor’s license; rules; scope; employees




479.950     Minimumsafety standards; rules; criteria




479.990     Penalties


479.995     Civilpenalty for violation of ORS 479.510 to 479.945




      479.010 [Subsection (4)enacted as 1953 c.569 §1; 1963 c.120 §1; 1979 c.359 §1; 1979 c.764 §1a; 1987c.158 §105; 1997 c.24 §2; 2005 c.22 §360; renumbered 479.168 in 2005]


      479.015Smoking in public elevator prohibited; penalty. (1) It shall beunlawful for any person to smoke cigars, cigarettes or tobacco in any form orto ignite any substance in an elevator used by the public.

      (2)A “No Smoking” sign shall be posted and maintained in a conspicuous place on orwithin any elevator operated in accordance with subsection (1) of this section,pursuant to rules of the State Fire Marshal.

      (3)Any person who violates subsection (1) of this section shall incur a penalty of$10 for each such violation.

      (4)Any person who violates subsection (2) of this section commits a Class Dviolation. [1975 c.474 §2; 1999 c.1051 §189]


      479.018Definition for ORS 479.020 and 479.060. As used in ORS 479.020 and 479.060, “story”means:

      (1)That portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor andthe upper surface of the floor next above;

      (2)For the topmost story, that portion of a building included between the uppersurface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above; and

      (3)A basement, cellar or unused under-floor space, if the finished floor leveldirectly above the basement, cellar or unused under-floor space is more than:

      (a)Six feet above the ground surrounding the building for more than 50 percent ofthe total perimeter