ORS Chapter 672

Chapter 672 — ProfessionalEngineers; Land Surveyors; Photogrammetrists; Geologists













672.002     Definitionsfor ORS 672.002 to 672.325


672.005     Additionaldefinitions


672.007     Actsconstituting practice of engineering, land surveying or photogrammetric mapping


672.020     Practiceof engineering without registration prohibited; seal required


672.025     Practiceof land surveying without registration prohibited; seal required


672.028     Practiceof photogrammetric mapping without registration prohibited; seal required


672.045     Prohibitedactivities relating to practices of engineering, land surveying or photogrammetricmapping


672.047     Rightof entry by land surveyor; compensation for damages caused; notice; removal ofsurvey markers


672.060     Exceptionsto application of ORS 672.002 to 672.325




672.090     Issuanceof certificates by board; examinations


672.095     Applicantmeeting qualifications eligible for examination; fee; certificatespecifications


672.102     Qualificationsfor registration as engineer


672.105     Qualificationsfor engineering examination; rules; form of examination


672.107     Structuralengineer registration for performing engineering services on significantstructures; rules


672.109     Temporarypermit to practice engineering; fee


672.115     Qualificationsfor registration as land surveyor


672.118     Qualificationsfor land surveying examination; rules; form of examination


672.123     Qualificationsfor registration as photogrammetrist


672.127     Temporarypermit to practice photogrammetric mapping; fee


672.141     Alternativequalifications for registration as engineer, land surveyor or photogrammetrist


672.148     Certificateissuance to persons registered in other jurisdictions


672.151     Noticeto candidates of examination results


672.153     Registrationin new branch of profession; fee


672.155     Establishmentof fees by rule


672.157     Paymentof fee required before issuance of certificate


672.159     Numberingand recording of certificates


672.160     Expirationdate of certificates


672.170     Renewalof certificate; increased fees for delinquent renewal


672.180     Retireeexemption from registration renewal fees




672.200     Groundsfor suspension or revocation of certificate or permit or refusal to issue,restore or renew certificate or permit; grounds for reprimand


672.205     Disciplinaryhearings; judicial review


672.210     Procedurefor suspension or revocation of certificate, permit or enrollment; hearing;majority of board members required to take action; reinstatement


672.215     Proceedingsto enjoin violations of ORS 672.002 to 672.325




672.240     StateBoard of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying; appointment;qualifications; officers


672.250     Term;certificate of appointment; oath; removal; vacancies


672.255     Rulemakingauthority


672.300     Investigationof complaints


672.310     Investigationof identity of person claiming to be registered




672.325     Civilpenalties






672.505     Definitionsfor ORS 672.505 to 672.705


672.515     Policyof ORS 672.505 to 672.705


(Certificatesof Registration)


672.525     Geologistregistration; public practice of geology


672.535     Exemptionsfrom ORS 672.505 to 672.705


672.545     Practiceof geology by proprietorship, partnership or corporation; employment ofnonregistered geologist; practice by other professionals; practice bynonresident


672.555     Application;qualifications for certificates of registration; rules


672.565     Certificationin specialty; rules; professional affairs committees


672.575     Examination


672.585     Certificateof registration; renewal; fee; replacement


672.595     Registrationof persons licensed in other jurisdictions


672.605     Sealof geologist




672.615     StateBoard of Geologist Examiners; qualifications and appointment; term


672.635     Recordof board proceedings; roster


672.645     Appealsfiled with board; service on administrator




672.655     Codeof professional conduct


672.665     Chargesagainst geologist


672.675     Groundsfor reprimand, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew certificate


672.685     Reissuanceof revoked certificate




672.690     Civilpenalties




672.695     Publicagencies required to contract with or for registered geologist


672.705     Fees




672.991     Penalties






      672.002Definitions for ORS 672.002 to 672.325. As used in ORS 672.002 to 672.325,unless the context requires otherwise:

      (1)“Board” means the State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying.

      (2)“Engineer,” “professional engineer” or “registered professional engineer” meansan individual who is registered in this state and holds a valid certificate topractice engineering in this state as provided under ORS 672.002 to 672.325.

      (3)“Engineering intern” means an individual enrolled by the board as having passedan examination in the fundamental engineering subjects.

      (4)“Geodetic survey” means a determination of the size and shape of the earth orthe position of any point on the earth.

      (5)“Land surveyor,” “professional land surveyor” or “registered professional landsurveyor” means an individual who is registered in this state and holds a validcertificate to practice surveying in this state as provided by ORS 672.002 to672.325.

      (6)“Land surveying intern” means an individual enrolled by the board as having passedan examination in the fundamental land surveying subjects.

      (7)“Photogrammetric mapping” means an evaluating and measuring of land that islimited to the determination of the topography, area, contours and location ofplanimetric features, by using photogrammetric methods or similar remotesensing technology, including but not limited to using existing ground controlpoints incidental to the photogrammetric or remote sensing mapping process.

      (8)“Photogrammetrist” means an individual registered with the board and holding avalid certificate to practice photogrammetric mapping.

      (9)“Responsible charge” means to have supervision and control of:

      (a)The engineering design of works with responsibility for design decisions; or

      (b)Land surveying work for the purpose of ensuring conformance to the relevantrequirements of law and sound surveying practice.

      (10)“Supervision and control” means establishing the nature of, directing andguiding the preparation of, and approving the work product and acceptingresponsibility that the work product is in conformance with standards ofprofessional practice. [1971 c.751 §1; 1983 c.614 §1; 1995 c.33 §1; 1997 c.210 §1;2005 c.22 §475; 2005 c.445 §6; 2009 c.259 §1]


      672.005Additional definitions. As used in ORS 672.002 to 672.325, unless thecontext requires otherwise:

      (1)“Practice of engineering” or “practice of professional engineering” means doingany of the following:

      (a)Performing any professional service or creative work requiring engineeringeducation, training and experience.

      (b)Applying special knowledge of the mathematical, physical and engineeringsciences to such professional services or creative work as consultation,investigation, testimony, evaluation, planning, design and services duringconstruction, manufacture or fabrication for the purpose of ensuring compliancewith specifications and design, in connection with any public or privateutilities, structures, buildings, machines, equipment, processes, works orprojects.

      (c)Surveying to determine area or topography.

      (d)Surveying to establish lines, grades or elevations, or to determine or estimatequantities of materials required, removed or in place.

      (e)Surveying required for design and construction layout of engineering andarchitectural infrastructure.

      (f)Performing photogrammetric mapping.

      (2)“Practice of land surveying” means doing any of the following:

      (a)Providing or offering to provide professional services that apply mathematics,geodesy and other sciences and involve:

      (A)The making of geometric measurements and gathering of related informationpertaining to:

      (i)The physical or legal features of the earth;

      (ii)Improvements on the earth; or

      (iii)The space above or below the earth; or

      (B)The development of measurements and information described in subparagraph (A)of this paragraph into graphics, data, maps, plans, reports, descriptions,projects or other survey products.

      (b)Performing geodetic surveys.

      (c)Establishing, reestablishing or replacing boundaries or geodetic controlmonuments or reference points.

      (d)Locating, relocating, establishing, reestablishing or retracing any propertylines or boundaries for any tract of land, road right-of-way or easement.

      (e)Making any survey for the division or subdivision of a tract of land or for theconsolidation of tracts of land.

      (f)Locating and laying out alignments, positions or elevations for theconstruction of fixed works.

      (g)Performing or offering to perform any investigation, interpretation orevaluation of, or any consultation or testimony about, any of the servicesdescribed in paragraphs (a) to (f) of this subsection.

      (h)Collecting, preparing, manipulating or modifying data related to activitiesdescribed in paragraphs (a) to (f) of this subsection, other than acting as ascrivener.

      (i)Performing photogrammetric mapping.

      (j)Making surveys that involve horizontal or vertical mapping control or geodeticcontrol. [1971 c.751 §2; 1973 c