ORS Chapter 807

Chapter 807 — DrivingPrivileges and Identification Cards











807.010     Operatingvehicle without driving privileges or in violation of license restrictions;penalty




807.020     Exemptionsfrom requirement to have Oregon license or permit




807.021     Proofof legal presence; rules


807.022     Verificationof identity source documents


807.024     Collectionof biometric data; establishment of person’s identity; rules; immunity


807.026     Managementof biometric data






807.031     Classesof license


807.035     Kindsof endorsements


807.036     Exceptionsto endorsement requirement for tow vehicle operator


807.038     Schoolbus endorsement exception


807.040     Requirementsfor issuance; rules; fees


807.045     Issuanceof commercial license to person who holds out-of-state commercial license


807.050     Application


807.060     Eligibility


807.062     Domicileor residency requirement for driver license


807.065     Additionaleligibility requirements for persons under 18 years of age; provisional driverlicense


807.066     Schoolrequirements for persons under 18 years of age


807.070     Examinations


807.072     Waiverof certain examinations, tests and demonstrations; rules


807.080     Drivercompetency testing certificates; waiver of demonstration test for personscertified; rules; fees


807.090     Establishingeligibility notwithstanding mental or physical condition or impairment


807.100     Medicalcertificates; when required


807.110     Contentsof license; rules


807.115     Duplicateimages of photographs


807.120     Restrictionsgenerally


807.122     Restrictionson operation with provisional driver license


807.130     Expiration


807.135     Expirationof license held by Oregon National Guard member or military reservist


807.140     Noticeprior to expiration; exceptions; effect of failure to notify; records


807.150     Renewal


807.160     Replacementlicense or permit; rules; fees




807.170     Requirementsfor issuance; fees; cancellation


807.173     Additionalrequirements for hazardous materials endorsement; rules


807.175     Motorcycleeducation course




807.200     Typesof permit


807.210     Disabilitygolf cart permit; fees


807.220     Emergencydriver permit; fees


807.230     Specialstudent driver permit; fees


807.240     Hardshippermit; fees; rules


807.250     Restrictionson issuance of hardship permit


807.252     Restrictionson issuance of hardship permit to person convicted of assault in second, thirdor fourth degree


807.260     Noticeto police about hardship permit holders and limitations on permits


807.270     Probationarydriver permit; fee; rules


807.280     Instructiondriver permit; fees


807.290     Specialtemporary instruction driver permit; fees


807.310     Applicanttemporary permit


807.320     Courtissued temporary driver permit


807.330     Courtbail driver permit




807.340     Reestablishmentof eligibility; effect of failure to reestablish; waiver of fee


807.350     Cancellationof privileges for failure to meet qualifications; issuance of more limitedlicense or permit


(PersonsWith Limited Vision)


807.355     Definitions


807.359     Speciallimited vision condition learner’s permit


807.363     Issuanceof driver license to person with limited vision condition


807.368     Formof permit; rehabilitation training specialists; rules


Note          Drivingat night--2007 c.588 §§8,9




807.370     License,endorsement and permit fees


807.375     Additionalfee for collection and verification of biometric data


807.390     Waiverof certain fees; rules




807.400     Issuance;application; contents; renewal; fee; validity; replacement; cancellation; rules


807.405     Applicanttemporary identification card


807.410     Fees


807.420     Failureto notify department on change of name or address; rules; penalty


807.430     Misuseof identification card; penalty




807.500     Unlawfulproduction of certain documents; affirmative defense; penalty


807.510     Transferof documents for purposes of misrepresentation; penalty


807.520     Falseswearing to receive license; penalty


807.530     Falseapplication for license; penalty


807.540     Failureto surrender prior license; penalty


807.550     Holdingmultiple licenses; penalty


807.560     Failureto notify department upon change of address or name; rules; penalty


807.570     Failureto carry or present license; penalty


807.580     Usinginvalid license; penalty


807.590     Permittingmisuse of license; penalty


807.600     Usinganother’s license; penalty


807.610     Employingor providing vehicle to unqualified driver; penalty


807.620     Givingfalse information to police officer; penalty




807.700     Notificationto department as to released persons with mental retardation or mental illnesswho are licensed operators


807.710     Reportsof persons with cognitive or functional impairment; rules; forms


807.720     Deathcertificates to be filed with department


807.725     Issuanceof fictitious driver licenses and identification cards; rules; fees


807.730     Issuanceof limited term driver licenses and identification cards


807.735     Providingassistance to applicants for driver licenses, driver permits and identificationcards


807.745     Findingsregarding personal information contained in driver licenses, driver permits andidentification cards


807.750     Restrictionson swiping driver licenses or identification cards




      807.010Operating vehicle without driving privileges or in violation of licenserestrictions; penalty. (1) A person commits the offense of operating avehicle without driving privileges if the person operates a motor vehicle upona highway or premises open to the public in this state an