ORS Chapter 822

Chapter 822 — Regulationof Vehicle Related Businesses












822.005     Actingas vehicle dealer without certificate; penalty


822.007     Injunctionagainst person acting as vehicle dealer in violation of vehicle code or rule;court-imposed monetary penalties


822.009     Civilpenalties for violations of statutes or rules


822.015     Exemptionsfrom vehicle dealer certification requirement; rules


822.020     Issuanceof certificate; fee


822.025     Applicationcontents


822.027     Educationrequirements for vehicle dealers


822.030     Bondor letter of credit requirements; rights of action


822.033     Requirementsfor certificate of insurance; exemptions


822.035     Investigationof application; dealer number; rules; records inspection; dealer plates andidentification card; effect of revocation or suspension in another jurisdiction


822.040     Privilegesgranted by certificate; supplemental or corrected certificate; duration;renewal; rules


822.042     Proceduresfor transfer of interest in vehicle by vehicle dealer


822.043     Dealerpreparation and submission of documents; rules


822.045     Vehicledealer offenses; penalties


822.046     Vehicledealer’s duty to inform potential buyer if vehicle used for manufacture ofcontrolled substances


822.047     Brokerageservices


822.050     Revocation,cancellation or suspension of certificate


822.055     Failureto return revoked, canceled or suspended certificate; penalty


822.060     Illegalconsignment practices; penalty; rules


822.065     Violationof consigned vehicle transfer; penalty


822.070     Conductingillegal vehicle rebuilding business; penalty


822.080     Proceduresfor civil penalties imposed under ORS 822.009; disposition of moneys


(RecreationalVehicle Dealers)


822.082     “Recreationalvehicle service facility” defined; display of location


822.083     “Show”defined; conditions for participation in show


822.084     Showlicense; fee; rules




822.090     Unlawfulsubleasing of motor vehicle; penalty




822.093     Saleof vehicles involving possessory liens; records; rules; penalty


822.094     Transferby lien claimant




822.100     Conductinga motor vehicle dismantling business without a certificate; penalties


822.105     Exemptionfrom certificate requirement


822.110     Dismantlercertificate; refusal to issue; duplicate certificate


822.115     Applicationcontents


822.120     Bondor letter of credit requirements; action against certificate holder and surety


822.125     Privilegesgranted by certificate; supplemental certificate; duration; renewal;identification cards; rules


822.130     Inspectionof books, records, inventory and premises


822.133     Requirementsof dismantler operating motor vehicle dismantling business


822.135     Improperlyconducting motor vehicle dismantling business; penalty


822.137     Dismantlerconduct resulting in civil penalty; rules


822.140     Localgovernment approval requirements


822.145     Impositionof sanctions; rules


822.150     Failureto return revoked, canceled or suspended certificate or identification card;penalty




822.200     Operatingillegal towing business; exceptions; penalties


822.205     Certificate;qualifications; fee


822.210     Privilegesgranted by certificate; duration; renewal; regulation of holder


822.215     Groundsfor denial, suspension, revocation or refusal of certificate


822.217     Proportionalregistration for tow vehicles


822.218     Cancellationof identification device for proportionally registered tow vehicle


822.220     Authorizationto obstruct traffic; failure to take precautions; penalty


822.225     Failureto remove injurious substance; penalty


822.230     Cityor county regulation of towing businesses




822.300     Actingas vehicle transporter without certificate; exemptions; penalty


822.305     Exemptionsfrom vehicle transporter certification requirement


822.310     Privilegesgranted by certificate; duration; renewal; fee; rules; suspension orrevocation; regulation of holder


822.315     Improperuse of vehicle transporter plate; penalty


822.325     Failureto return revoked or suspended certificate; penalty




(CommercialDriver Training Schools)


822.500     Operatingcommercial driver training school without certificate; rules; penalty


822.505     Commercialdriver training school bond; requirements; actions against school or surety


822.510     Proofof insurance; requirements; exception


822.515     Certificates;issuance; suspension or revocation; duration; fee; bond; proof of insurance;rules


822.520     Failureto return revoked, suspended or canceled commercial driver training schoolcertificate; penalty


(DriverTraining Instructor)


822.525     Actingas driver training instructor without certificate; exemptions; rules; penalty


822.530     Certificate;issuance; suspension or revocation; duration; fee; rules


822.535     Failureto return revoked or suspended certificate; penalty




822.600     Failureof garage to report accident or bullet contact; penalty


822.605     Falseswearing relating to regulation of vehicle related businesses; penalty




822.700     Certificationfees


822.705     Feefor issuance or renewal of vehicle dealer certificate




822.990     Civilpenalties for violations of ORS 822.500 and 822.525






      822.005Acting as vehicle dealer without certificate; penalty. (1) A personcommits the offense of acting as a vehicle dealer without a certificate if theperson is not the holder of a valid, current vehicle dealer certificate issuedunder ORS 822.020 and the person:

      (a)Buys, sells, brokers, trades or exchanges vehicles either outright or by meansof any conditional sale, bailment, lease, security interest, consignment orotherwise;

      (b)Displays a new or used vehicle, trailer or semitrailer for sale; or

      (c)Acts as any type of agent for the owner of a vehicle to sell the vehicle oracts as any type of agent for a person interested in buying a vehicle to buy avehicle.

      (2)This section does not apply to persons or vehicles exempted from this sectionunder ORS 822.015.

      (3)The offense described in this section, acting as a vehicle dealer without acertificate, is a Class A misdemeanor. [1983 c.338 §790; 1985 c.16 §389; 1985c.598 §1; 1997 c.469 §1; 2003 c.655 §124]


      822.007Injunction against person acting as vehicle dealer in violation of vehicle codeor rule; court-imposed monetary penalties. (1) In addition to any otherremedies provided by law, the Department of Transportation may petition thecircuit court to enjoin a person from acting as a vehicle dealer in violation ofthe Oregon Vehicle Code or any rule adopted by the department.

      (2)A single act in violation of the provisions of the Oregon Vehicle Code or ofany rules adopted by the department relating to vehicle dealers shall besufficient ground for the court to issue the injunction.

      (3)In addition to issuing an injunction, the court may assess a penalty not toexceed $15,000 if the department proves by a preponderance of the evidence thata person is acting as a vehicle dealer without possessing a vehicle dealercertificate. The court shall also award reasonable costs and disbursements,attorney and enforcement fees. [1991 c.541 §2]


      822.009Civil penalties for violations of statutes or rules. (1) TheDepartment of Transportation may levy and collect a civil penalty, in an amountnot to exceed $1,000 for each violation, against any person who has a vehicledealer certificate if it finds that the dealer has violated any provisions ofthe Oregon Vehicle Code or of any rules adopted by the department relating to thesale of vehicles, vehicle titling or vehicle registration.

      (2)The department may levy and collect a civil penalty, in an amount not to exceed$5,000 for each vehicle improperly sold, brokered, exchanged or offered ordisplayed for sale, against any person if it finds that the person is inviolation of:

      (a)ORS 822.005 (1); or

      (b)Any rules adopted by the department relating to the sale of vehicles and theperson is not subject to subsection (1) of this section. [1991 c.541 §3; 1993c.180 §1; 1997 c.469 §2; 2001 c.543 §1]


      822.010 [1985 c.16 §388;1989 c.171 §93; repealed by 1997 c.469 §11]


      822.015Exemptions from vehicle dealer certification requirement; rules. (1) In additionto any exemptions from the vehicle code under ORS 801.026, ORS 822.005 does notapply to the following vehicles or persons:

      (a)Road rollers, farm tractors, farm trailers, trolleys, implements of husbandry,emergency vehicles, well-drilling machinery and boat or utility trailers with agross weight of 1,800 pounds or less.

      (b)The owner of a vehicle as shown by the vehicle title issued by any jurisdictionif the person owned the vehicle primarily for personal, family or householdpurposes. If the person has sold, traded, displayed or offered for sale, tradeor exchange more than five vehicles in one calendar year, the person shall havethe burden of proving that the person owned the vehicles primarily forpersonal, family or household purposes or for other purposes that theDepartment of Transportation, by rule, defines as constituting an exemptionunder this section.

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