ORS Chapter 62

Chapter 62 — Cooperatives











(ShortTitle and Definitions)


62.005       Shorttitle


62.015       Definitions




62.025       Filingrequirements


62.030       Filing,service, copying and certification fees


62.035       Effectivetime and date of document


62.040       Correctingfiled document


62.045       Forms;rules


62.050       Filingduty of Secretary of State


62.055       Appealfrom Secretary of State’s refusal to file document


62.060       Evidentiaryeffect of copy of filed document


62.065       Certificateof existence




62.115       Purposesfor which cooperatives may be organized


62.125       Generalpowers


62.128       Reservedname


62.131       Cooperativename


62.135       Bylaws


62.145       Membership


62.155       Registeredoffice and registered agent; service of process on cooperative


62.165       Actionsin excess of authority


62.175       Capitalstock; membership stock


62.185       Certificatesof stock; contents


62.195       Votingby shareholders


62.205       Subscriptionagreement for shares or agreement to pay a membership fee; default


62.215       Limitationof liability of members and shareholders


62.225       Dividendson capital stock


62.235       Recall,exchange or redemption of stock or other evidence of equity by cooperative


62.245       Missingcertificates or evidence of interest in cooperative; missing records relatingto redemption of interest in cooperative


62.255       Meetingsof members


62.265       Votingby members


62.275       Quorumof members


62.280       Boardof directors


62.283       Standardof conduct for directors; permissible reliance on opinions and reports ofothers; limitation of liability


62.284       Directorconflict of interest


62.285       Meetingsof board of directors


62.286       Loansto or guarantees for directors


62.287       Directors’meeting by conference telephone or similar communications equipment


62.290       Executivecommittee


62.295       Officers


62.300       Compensationand benefits to directors, officers and employees


62.305       Takingaction without meeting; effective date of action


62.315       Waiverof notice


62.325       Votingrequirements of articles


62.335       Actionbrought in right of cooperative by member or shareholder; attorney fees


62.355       Cooperativecontracts


62.360       Recordingcooperative contracts


62.365       Reliefagainst breach or threatened breach of contract; penalty for interference


62.370       Civilaction for inducing breach of contract with cooperative or spreading falsereports about cooperative


62.415       Apportionmentand distribution of net proceeds or savings or net losses


62.425       Unclaimeddistribution, redemptions or payments


62.430       Paymentsin name of deceased owner of capital credits or retains in cooperative


62.435       Saleor other disposition of entire assets


62.440       Booksand records; attorney fees


62.455       Annualreport; form; effect of error; amendment




62.462       Definitionsfor ORS 62.462 to 62.482


62.464       Authorityto indemnify director; report to members


62.466       Mandatoryindemnification of director


62.468       Advancefor expenses


62.472       Court-orderedindemnification


62.474       Determinationand authorization of indemnification


62.476       Indemnificationof officers, employees and agents


62.478       Insurance


62.482       Applicationof ORS 62.462 to 62.482




62.511       Incorporators;articles of incorporation; rules


62.513       Contentsof articles of incorporation; rules


62.515       Organizationmeeting of directors




62.555       Rightto amend articles of incorporation


62.560       Shareholdervoting on amendments to articles


62.565       Articlesof amendment; effect of amendment


62.570       Restatedarticles




62.605       Definitionsfor ORS 62.605 to 62.623


62.607       Conversion


62.609       Actionon plan of conversion


62.611       Articlesof conversion


62.613       Effectof conversion; entity existence continues


62.617       Merger;plan of merger


62.619       Actionon plan of merger


62.621       Articlesof merger


62.623       Effectof merger




62.655       Voluntarydissolution by act of cooperative


62.665       Procedurefor dissolution


62.670       Revocationof voluntary dissolution


62.675       Effectof revocation of voluntary dissolution



62.680       Articlesof dissolution


62.685       Effectof filing articles of dissolution


62.690       Administrativedissolution


62.695       Jurisdictionof court to dissolve cooperative and liquidate assets and business ofcooperative


62.702       Procedurefor dissolution of cooperative by court


62.704       Judgmentof dissolution issued by court


62.708       Effectof dissolution


62.712       Dispositionof known claims against dissolved cooperative


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