ORS Chapter 196

Chapter 196 — ColumbiaRiver Gorge; Ocean Resource Planning;

Wetlands;Removal and Fill











196.105     Definitionsfor ORS 196.105 to 196.125


196.107     Legislativefindings on management plan; effect of plan on land use decisions;decertification of plan


196.109     Effectof revision of urban area boundaries within scenic area on management plan


196.110     Landuse regulation in Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area


196.115     Appealfrom decision of Columbia River Gorge Commission or county


196.120     Exerciseof eminent domain; property value


196.125     Bufferby regulation around Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area prohibited




196.150     Compactprovisions


196.155     Authorityfor state officers and agencies to carry out duties under compact


196.160     Membershipon Columbia River Gorge Commission


196.165     Statusof commission employees for purposes of certain benefits




196.175     PacificOcean Resources Compact ratified


196.180     Compactprovisions


196.185     Representationon compact






196.405     Definitionsfor ORS 196.405 to 196.515


196.407     Policy


196.408     Dutiesof state agencies


196.410     Legislativefindings for offshore oil and gas leasing


196.415     Legislativefindings for ocean resources management


196.420     Policy


196.425     OregonOcean Resources Management Program


196.435     Primaryagency for certain federal purposes; restrictions


196.438     OceanPolicy Advisory Council; members; term of office; quorum


196.443     Dutiesof council


196.448     Membercompensation; meetings


196.451     Technicaladvisory committee


196.453     Projectreview panels; guidelines


196.455     Coordinationwith federal programs


196.465     Compatibilityof acknowledged comprehensive plans


196.471     TerritorialSea Plan review requirements


196.485     Stateagency coordination requirements; incorporation of plans


196.515     Shorttitle




196.540     Marinereserves; rules


196.545     Workplan; use of data and recommendations


Note          Reportingon work plan--2009 c.847 §3


196.550     Funding


196.555     Reporting;rules




196.575     Authorizationto obtain federal oceanographic data; joint liaison program; use of data


196.580     Liaisonprogram duties




196.600     Definitionsfor ORS 196.600 to 196.655


196.605     Purpose


196.610     Powersof Director of Department of State Lands; fees


196.615     Programfor mitigation banks; program standards and criteria; rules


196.620     Resourcevalues and credits for mitigation banks; use and withdrawal of credits; annualevaluation of system by director


196.623     Watershedenhancement project as mitigation bank; sale of mitigation credit


196.625     Filland removal activities in mitigation banks; reports


196.630     Rules


196.635     Directorto consult and cooperate with other agencies and interested parties


196.640     OregonRemoval-Fill Mitigation Fund; rules


196.643     Paymentsto comply with permit condition, authorization or resolution of violation


196.645     Sourcesof fund


196.650     Useof fund


196.655     Reporton Oregon Removal-Fill Mitigation Fund; contents


196.660     Effectof ORS 196.600 to 196.655


196.665     Shorttitle




196.668     Legislativefindings


196.672     Policy


196.674     StatewideWetlands Inventory; rules


196.676     Responseto notices from local governments


196.678     Wetlandconservation plans; contents; procedure for adopting


196.681     Dutiesof department; standards for approval of plan; conditions for approval; order


196.682     Permitsrequired for removal or fill; conditions on issuance of permit


196.684     Amendmentof plans; review of plans by department; review of orders by Land Use Board ofAppeals


196.686     Acknowledgedestuary management plans; review and approval; hearings; final order


196.687     Regulationof alteration or fill of artificially created wetlands


196.688     Publicinformation program


196.692     Rules




Note          Provisionrelating to fills depending on E.P.A. approval--1989 c.45 §2


196.795     Streamliningprocess for administering state removal or fill permits; application for stateprogram general permit; periodic reports to legislative committee


196.800     Definitionsfor ORS 196.600 to 196.905


196.805     Policy


196.810     Permitrequired to remove material from bed or banks of waters; status of permit;exceptions; rules


196.815     Applicationfor permit; rules; fees; disposition of fees


196.817     Applicationfor general permit; rules


196.818     Wetlanddelineation reports; review by Department of State Lands; fees


196.820     Prohibitionagainst issuance of permits to fill Smith Lake or Bybee Lake; exception


196.825     Criteriafor issuance of permit; consultation with public bodies; hearing; appeal


196.830     Estuarineresource replacement as condition for fill or removal from estuary;considerations; other permit conditions


196.835     Hearingregarding issuance of permit; procedure; appeals; suspension of permit pendingappeal


196.845     Investigationsand surveys


196.850     Waivingpermit requirement in certain cases; rules; notice; review; fees; dispositionof fees


196.855     Noncomplyingremoval of material or filling as public nuisance


196.860     Enforcementpowers of director


196.865     Revocation,suspension or refusal to renew permit


196.870     Abatementproceedings; restraining order; injunction; public compensation


196.875     Doubleand treble damages for destruction of public right of navigation, fishery orrecreation; costs and attorney fees


196.880     Fillunder permit presumed not to affect public rights; public rights extinguished


196.885     Annualreport of fill and removal activities; contents of report

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