ORS Chapter 198

Chapter 198 —Special Districts Generally










198.010     “District”defined for chapter


198.115     Districtemployee as member of governing board


198.180     “District”defined for ORS 198.190


198.190     Compensationand expenses of members of certain boards


198.210     “District”defined for ORS 198.220


198.220     Bondor letter of credit for member of boards of certain districts


198.310     “District”defined for ORS 198.320


198.320     Fillingof vacancies on boards of certain districts




198.335     Definitionsfor ORS 198.335 to 198.365


198.340     Designationof registered office and agent


198.345     Effectof failure to file certain reports


198.350     Financialstatement


198.355     Hearingon dissolution; notice


198.360     Continuationor termination of district; proceedings for county service district


198.365     Countyboard as trustees for inactive district; distribution of assets; levy of tax tomeet debts; delivery of records




198.410     Definitionfor ORS 198.425 and 198.430


198.425     Recallof district officers generally


198.430     Recallof officers of districts other than districts defined in ORS 255.012


198.440     Statementof justification from affected officer




198.510     Definitionsfor ORS 198.510 to 198.600


198.530     Procedurefor adopting, amending or repealing ordinances or regulations


198.540     Noticeprior to adoption of ordinance affecting regulation


198.550     Publicationof ordinance; emergency ordinance procedure


198.560     Filingof ordinance; notice of adoption of emergency ordinance


198.570     Whenordinances take effect


198.590     Petitionto adopt, amend or repeal ordinance


198.600     Penaltyfor violation of regulations; jurisdiction; enforcement




198.605     Localservice districts


198.608     UnfundedPERS liability or surplus upon split, consolidation or merger of districts


198.611     Powerof district to contract for purchase or lease of real or personal property






198.705     Definitionsfor ORS 198.705 to 198.955


198.715     Shorttitle; procedure for formation or change of organization


198.720     Boundaries;filing boundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue


198.725     Procedurewhen two counties affected


198.727     Mergeror consolidation; procedure when city joined to merged or consolidateddistricts


198.730     Notice


198.735     Rightof interested person to appear; written statements


198.740     Electionprocedure governed by law under which district operates; omission governed bydistrict or general election law


198.745     Contentof resolution calling election


198.747     Effectivedate of boundary change; filing boundary change with county assessor andDepartment of Revenue


198.748     Prospectivepetition for formation; filing; content


198.749     Economicfeasibility statement for district formation


198.750     Contentof petition proposing formation or change of organization


198.755     Numberof signatures required


198.760     Requirementsfor signers of petition; signer’s withdrawal prohibited; chief petitionersdesignated


198.765     Requirementsfor filing petition; validity and certification of signatures


198.770     Methodof determining validity of landowner signatures


198.775     Securitydeposit to accompany petition; payment of costs from security deposit; paymentof costs by county or district


198.780     Filingof duplicates of certain documents


198.782     Documentsto be filed with Secretary of State before business transacted


198.785     Proceedingto contest validity of formation or change of organization


198.790     Rightsof creditors after change of organization; enforcement


198.792     Districtformation or annexation proceedings to relieve public health danger


198.793     Changeof district name


198.794     Effectof district name change; notification to certain officials




198.795     Jurisdictionover district formation; duration of jurisdiction


198.800     Formationpetition; hearing; notice of hearing


198.805     Conductof hearing; standards for formation; notice to nonappearing landowner; orderfor dissolution


198.810     Orderfor formation; final hearing; election; voter approval to incur bondedindebtedness


198.813     Formationof county service district for water management services in Washington County;dissolution of existing districts


198.815     Electionon formation; notice; ballot title when dissolution ordered; election of firstboard


198.820     Orderby county board; effect of formation


198.825     Electionof first members of board when no formation election required


198.830     Petitionfor formation by all landowners in proposed district


198.835     Orderfor formation of district in single county; order for exercise of additionalfunction by county service district; contents of order


198.840     Noticeof hearing


198.845     Costs




198.850     Annexationpetition or resolution; delayed effective date for certain annexations


198.855     Annexationelection; annexation without election when petition signed by all landowners orby majority of electors and owners of more than half of land


198.857     Annexationwithout election by petition of landowner


198.860     Effectof annexation order


198.866     Annexationof city to district; approval of annexation proposal; election


198.867     Approvalof annexation to district by electors of city and district; certification;effect of annexation

198.869     Annexationcontract; recordation; effect




198.870     Petitionfor withdrawal of property from district


198.875     Electionon withdrawal petition


198.880     Effecton withdrawn area


198.882     Taxrelief to withdrawn area; conditions for relief; ultimate liability




198.885     Mergerof districts; effect


198.890     Consolidationof districts; effect


198.895     Initiationof merger and consolidation; procedure when city included in merger orconsolidation


198.900     Contentof petition for merger or consolidation


198.902     Applicationof district petition requirements to cities


198.903     Jointassembly of governing bodies of affected districts or cities; order for election;contents


198.905     Certificationof election results


198.910     Jointmeeting of governing bodies of merged or consolidated districts and cities;election of board members for surviving or successor district; terms


198.912     Apportionmentof board members for certain surviving or successor districts


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