ORS Chapter 215

Chapter 215 — CountyPlanning; Zoning; Housing Codes











215.010     Definitions


215.020     Authorityto establish county planning commissions


215.030     Membershipof planning commission


215.042     Planningdirector


215.044     Solaraccess ordinances; purpose; standards


215.047     Effectof comprehensive plan and land use regulations on solar access ordinances


215.050     Comprehensiveplanning, zoning and subdivision ordinances; copies available


215.060     Procedurefor action on plan; notice; hearing


215.080     Powerto enter upon land


215.090     Informationmade available to commission


215.100     Cooperationwith other agencies


215.110     Recommendationsfor implementation of comprehensive plan; enactment of ordinances; referral;retroactivity


215.130     Applicationof ordinances and comprehensive plan; alteration of nonconforming use


215.135     Expansionof nonconforming school use in exclusive farm use zone


215.170     Authorityof cities in unincorporated area


215.185     Remediesfor unlawful structures or land use


215.190     Violationof ordinances or regulations




(ExclusiveFarm Use Zones)


215.203     Zoningordinances establishing exclusive farm use zones; definitions


215.209     Departmentof Land Conservation and Development database; rural land maps; contents


215.213     Usespermitted in exclusive farm use zones in counties that adopted marginal landssystem prior to 1993; rules


215.215     Reestablishmentof nonfarm use


215.218     Certainprivate hunting preserves not subject to land use approval; complaintprocedures


215.223     Procedurefor adopting zoning ordinances; notice


215.233     Validityof ordinances and development patterns adopted before September 2, 1963


215.236     Nonfarmdwelling in exclusive farm use zone; qualification for special assessment


215.243     Agriculturalland use policy


215.246     Approvalof land application of certain substances; subsequent use of tract of land;consideration of alternatives


215.247     Transportof biosolids to tract of land for application


215.249     Divisionof land for application of biosolids


215.251     Relationshipto other farm uses


215.253     Restrictivelocal ordinances affecting farm use zones prohibited; exception


215.262     Legislativefindings related to nonfarm dwellings


215.263     Landdivisions in exclusive farm use zones; criteria for approval; rules


215.265     Landdivisions; limiting certain causes of action


215.273     Applicabilityto thermal energy power plant siting determinations


215.275     Utilityfacilities necessary for public service; criteria; rules; mitigating impact offacility


215.276     Requiredconsultation for transmission lines to be located on high-value farmland


215.277     Farmworkerhousing; compliance with agricultural land use policy required


215.278     Accessorydwellings for farmworkers; rules


215.281     Legislativefindings related to dwellings in conjunction with commercial dairy farm


215.282     Dwellingsin conjunction with commercial dairy farm; rules


215.283     Usespermitted in exclusive farm use zones in nonmarginal lands counties; rules


215.284     Dwellingnot in conjunction with farm use; existing lots or parcels; new lots or parcels


215.293     Dwellingin exclusive farm use or forest zone; condition; declaration; recordation


215.294     Railroadfacilities handling materials regulated under ORS chapter 466 allowed


215.296     Standardsfor approval of certain uses in exclusive farm use zones; violation ofstandards; complaint; penalties; exceptions to standards


215.297     Verifyingcontinuity for approval of certain uses in exclusive farm use zones


215.298     Miningin exclusive farm use zone; land use permit


215.301     Blendingmaterials for cement prohibited near vineyards; exception


215.304     Ruleadoption; limitations


215.306     Conductingfilming activities in exclusive farm use zones


215.311     Parkinglog trucks in exclusive farm use zones




215.316     Terminationof adoption of marginal lands


215.317     Permitteduses on marginal land


215.327     Divisionsof marginal land




215.402     Definitionsfor ORS 215.402 to 215.438 and 215.700 to 215.780


215.406     Planningand zoning hearings officers; duties and powers; authority of governing body orplanning commission to conduct hearings


215.412     Adoptionof hearing procedure and rules


215.416     Permitapplication; fees; consolidated procedures; hearings; notice; approvalcriteria; decision without hearing


215.417     Timeto act under certain approved permits; extension


215.418     Approvalof development on wetlands; notice


215.422     Reviewof decision of hearings officer or other authority; notice of appeal; fees;appeal of final decision


215.425     Reviewof decision relating to aggregate resources


215.427     Finalaction on permit or zone change application; refund of application fees


215.429     Mandamusproceeding when county fails to take final action on land use applicationwithin specified time; jurisdiction; notice; peremptory writ


215.431     Planamendments; hearings by planning commission or hearings officer; exceptions


215.433     Supplementalapplication for remaining permitted uses following denial of initialapplication


215.435     Deadlinefor final action by county on remand of land use decision; exception


215.437     Mandamusproceeding when county fails to take final action within specified time onremand of land use decision




215.438     Transmissiontowers; location; conditions


215.441     Useof real property for religious activity; county regulation of real propertyused for religious activity


215.448     Homeoccupations; parking; where allowed; conditions


215.452     Winery;conditions; local government findings and criteria


215.455     Effectof approval of winery on land use laws


215.457     Youthcamps allowed in forest zones and mixed farm and forest zones


215.459     Privatecampground in forest zones and mixed farm and forest zones; yurts; rules




215.503     Legislativeact by ordinance; mailed notice to individual property owners required bycounty for land use actions


215.513     Forwardingof notice to property purchaser




215.605     Countiesauthorized to adopt housing codes


215.615     Applicationand contents of housing ordinances




(Lotor Parcel of Record Dwellings)


215.700     Resourceland dwelling policy


215.705     Dwellingsin farm or forest zone; criteria; transferability of application


215.710     High-valuefarmland description for ORS 215.705


215.720     Criteriafor forestland dwelling under ORS 215.705


215.730     Additionalcriteria for forestland dwellings under ORS 215.720


(OtherForestland Dwellings)


215.740     Largetract forestland dwelling; criteria; rules

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