ORS Chapter 222

Chapter 222 — CityBoundary Changes; Mergers; Consolidations; Withdrawals











222.005     Noticeto public utilities of annexation; contents of notice; effect


222.010     Reportof city boundary changes; contents of report; time for filing; exception


222.030     Assessorto furnish statement of assessed valuation of territory to be annexed


222.040     Delayof effective date of actions under this chapter because of election; effectivedate of certain annexations and transfers of territory


222.045     Effectof split, consolidation or merger of two or more cities on unfunded PERSliability or surplus


222.050     Certainconsolidations and mergers; additional question concerning taxes authorized;requirements for approval




(Temporaryprovisions relating to annexation of certain industrial lands are compiled asnotes preceding ORS 222.111)


222.111     Authorityand procedure for annexation


222.115     Annexationcontracts; recording; effect


222.120     Procedurewithout election by city electors; hearing; ordinance subject to referendum


222.125     Annexationby consent of all owners of land and majority of electors; proclamation ofannexation


222.130     Annexationelection; notice; ballot title


222.150     Electionresults; proclamation of annexation


222.160     Procedurewhen annexation is submitted to city vote; proclamation


222.170     Effectof consent to annexation by territory; proclamation with and without cityelection


222.173     Timelimit for filing statements of consent; public records


222.175     Cityto provide information when soliciting statements of consent


222.177     Filingof annexation records with Secretary of State


222.179     Exemptterritory


222.180     Effectivedate of annexation


222.183     Noticeof annexation when effective date delayed for more than one year




(Temporaryprovisions relating to consolidation of certain industrial lands are compiledas notes preceding ORS 222.210)


222.210     Authorityto consolidate adjoining and nonadjoining cities or territories; additionalmethod of annexation; limitation


222.220     Initiationof proceedings; signatures on petitions


222.225     Economicfeasibility statement required; contents


222.230     Formand contents of petition; filing; meeting of city governing bodies; rules


222.240     Approvalof petition; appointment of charter commission; employment of assistance;functions


222.250     Jointconvention of governing bodies; election on consolidation, charter and tax ratelimit; date; functions of county court; ballot title


222.260     Ordinancecalling election


222.265     Conductof election


222.270     Canvassof votes; joint convention of governing bodies; proclamation; report toSecretary of State; cost of election


222.275     Electionsfor consolidation of certain areas or cities


222.280     Electionof officers; effective date of incorporation; certain annexations prohibited


222.290     Officersto assume functions; terms of office


222.295     Effectof consolidation; records, assets and uncollected taxes of consolidating citiestransferred to consolidated city


222.300     Ordinancesof former incorporated units continued in effect; initiation of civil andcriminal actions


222.310     Constructionof ORS 222.210 to 222.310; substantial compliance sufficient




222.460     Proceduresfor withdrawal of territory; content of resolution; hearing; election; taxesand assessments


222.465     Effectivedate of withdrawal from domestic water supply district, water control districtor sanitary district




222.510     Annexationof entire district; transfer of liabilities and functions to city


222.520     Annexationof less than entire district; assumption of liabilities by city optional


222.524     Procedurefor withdrawal of part of district from district


222.528     Territorywithdrawn from district not liable for certain obligations


222.530     Procedurefor division of assets on withdrawal of part of district; arbitration and award


222.540     Procedurefor division of installations on withdrawal of part of water district; appeal;joint operations


222.550     Withdrawalof major portion of water district; dissolution optional; transfer of propertyto city


222.560     Procedurefor division of installations on withdrawal of part of sanitary district;appeal; joint operation


222.570     Effecton metropolitan sanitary districts


222.575     Agreementsfor joint operation by city and district may be made before or after withdrawal


222.580     Procedureapplicable to prior annexations in which no property division was made




222.610     Mergerof, and surrender of charter by cities authorized; elections to be held


222.620     Submissionof merger issue to electors of city surrendering charter; petition for merger;conduct of election


222.650     Submissionof merger issue to electors of city retaining charter; tax rate limit forsuccessor city; notice of election


222.680     Effectivedate of merger


222.690     Effectof merger on rights, liabilities and jurisdiction of the merged cities


222.700     Effectof merger on pending actions and proceedings; street work proceedings


222.710     Returnstatements filed with county recording officer


222.750     Annexationof unincorporated territory surrounded by city




222.840     Shorttitle


222.850     Definitionsfor ORS 222.840 to 222.915


222.855     Annexationto remove danger to public health


222.860     Proposalfor annexation


222.870     Hearingin affected territory; notice


222.875     Purposeand conduct of hearing; written findings of fact; rules


222.880     OregonHealth Authority order or finding; hearing upon petition; alteration ofboundaries; tax differential


222.883     Suspensionof proceedings by Oregon Health Authority; purpose; limit


222.885     Alternativeplan by petition or resolution; stay of proceedings


222.890     Reviewof alternative plan


222.896     Judicialreview


222.897     Studyand plan for alleviation of health danger by city; procedure if city fails toact


222.898     Determinationif health danger can be alleviated; approval of plans; notice to city


222.900     Cityto adopt ordinance


222.905     Applicationto initiate annexation


222.911     Participationof director, officer or employee with interest in affected territory


222.915     Applicationof ORS 222.840 to 222.915




222.990     Penalties




      222.005Notice to public utilities of annexation; contents of notice; effect. (1) Whenterritory is approved for annexation to a city by city council action under ORSchapter 199 or this chapter, the recorder of the city or other city officer oragency performing the duties of recorder under this section, not later than 10working days after passage of a resolution or ordinance approving the proposedannexation, shall provide by certified mail to all public utilities, electriccooperatives and telecommunications carriers operating within the city eachsite address to be annexed as recorded on county assessment and tax rolls, alegal description and map of the proposed boundary change and a copy of thecity council’s resolution or ordinance approving the proposed annexation.

      (2)Additional or increased fees or taxes, other than ad valorem taxes, imposed onpublic utilities, electric cooperatives and telecommunications carriers as aresult of an annexation of territory to a city shall become effective on theeffective date of the annexation if notice of the annexation is given to publicutilities, electric cooperatives and telecommunications carriers by certifiedmail not later than 10 working days after the effective date of the annexation.However, if notification of the effective date of the annexation is provided tothe public utilities, electric cooperatives and telecommunications carrierslater than the 10th working day after the effective date of the annexation, theadditional or increased fees or taxes become effective on the date ofnotification.

      (3)As used in this section:

      (a)“Effective date of annexation” is the effective date described in ORS chapter199 or this chapter, whichever is applicable.

      (b)“Public utility” has the meaning given that term in ORS 757.005.

      (c)“Telecommunications carrier” has the meaning given that term in ORS 133.721. [1981c.238 §2; 1985 c.702 §5; 1987 c.447 §116; 1989 c.736 §1; 1991 c.136 §1; 1999c.1093 §11]


      222.010Report of city boundary changes; contents of report; time for filing;exception.(1) Every city, through its recorder or other city officer or agency designatedto perform the duties of the recorder under this section, shall report to thecounty clerk and county assessor of the county within which the city is locatedall changes in the boundaries or limits of the city. The report shall contain adetailed legal description of the new boundaries established by the city. Thereport shall be filed by the city within 10 days from the effective date of thechange of any boundary lines.

      (2)For purposes of ad valorem taxation, a boundary change must be filed in finalapproved form with the county assessor and the Department of Revenue asprovided in ORS 308.225.

      (3)Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to a minor boundary changeordered under ORS 199.410 to 199.519. [Amended by 1969 c.494 §26; 1971 c.462 §18;1985 c.702 §6; 2001 c.138 §7]


      222.020 [Repealed by 1955c.475 §12]


      222.030Assessor to furnish statement of assessed valuation of territory to be annexed. When a changeof the boundaries of a city through the annexation of territory is proposedpursuant to ORS 199.410 to 199.519, or 222.111 to 222.180 or city charter, theassessor of the county or counties wherein the territory to be annexed islocated, shall furnish upon official request within 20 days, a statementshowing for the current fiscal year the assessed valuation of the taxableproperty in the territory to be annexed. [1957 c.236 §1; 1969 c.494 §27]

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