ORS Chapter 250

Chapter 250 — Initiativeand Referendum










250.005     Definitions


250.015     Formof petition; numbering of signature sheets; rules


250.025     Qualificationsfor signers of petition; removal of signatures


250.029     Withdrawalof initiative or referendum petition; form


250.031     Rulesfor conduct of election under section 11, Article XI of Oregon Constitution


250.035     Formof ballot titles for state and local measures


250.036     Formof ballot title for measure subject to section 11 (8), Article XI of OregonConstitution; exception


250.037     Formof ballot title for measure requesting approval of certain bonds


250.038     Formof ballot title for measure authorizing imposition or renewal of local option taxesor establishing permanent rate limitation


250.041     Applicabilityof ORS 250.005 to 250.038 to counties and cities


250.042     Effectof failure of petition circulator to certify signature sheet


250.043     Acceptanceof initiative or referendum petition without original signatures


250.044     Actionschallenging constitutionality of state measure to be filed in Marion CountyCircuit Court




250.045     Prospectivepetition; signature requirement; cover and signature sheet requirements; rules


250.048     Registrationand training for paid petition circulators; requirements; effect of failure toregister; rules


250.052     Officialtemplates of cover and signature sheets; electronic template; rules


250.062     Identicaldraft ballot titles required for certain state measures


250.065     Preparationof ballot titles for certain state measures


250.067     Noticeof draft ballot title; written comments; certification of title; correction ofclerical errors; rules


250.075     Preparationof ballot titles by Legislative Assembly


250.085     Procedurefor elector dissatisfied with ballot title of state measure; Supreme Courtreview of title


250.095     Statemeasures affecting a county or district


250.105     Petitionfiling requirements; monthly filing; signature verification; rules


250.115     Numberingof state measures


250.125     Estimateof financial impact of state measures; financial estimate committee


250.127     Preparationand filing of estimates and statements of financial impact of state measure


250.131     Courtreview of procedures under which estimates and statements of financial impactof state measure were prepared


250.135     Retentionof petition materials


Note          CitizenStatements by citizen review panel--2009 c.632 §§1,2




250.155     Applicationof ORS 250.165 to 250.235


250.165     Prospectivepetition; cover and signature sheet requirements; circulation; filing deadline


250.168     Determinationof compliance with constitutional provisions; notice; appeal


250.175     Preparationof ballot titles for certain county measures; notice


250.185     Preparationof ballot titles by county governing body


250.195     Procedurefor elector dissatisfied with ballot title of county measure


250.205     Filingand signature requirements for nonhome rule counties


250.215     Filingofficer for county measure; filing requirements; signature verification


250.221     Dateof election


250.235     Retentionof petition materials




250.255     Applicationof ORS 250.265 to 250.346


250.265     Prospectivepetition; cover and signature sheet requirements; circulation; filing deadline


250.270     Determinationof compliance with constitutional provisions; notice; appeal


250.275     Preparationof ballot titles for certain city measures; notice


250.285     Preparationof ballot titles by city governing body


250.296     Procedurefor elector dissatisfied with ballot title of city measure


250.305     Signaturerequirements


250.315     Filingofficer; filing requirements; signature verification


250.325     Procedurefollowing filing of initiative petition


250.346     Retentionof petition materials


250.355     Dateof election




      250.005Definitions.As used in this chapter:

      (1)“County clerk” means the county clerk or the county official in charge ofelections.

      (2)“Elector” means an individual qualified to vote under section 2, Article II,Oregon Constitution.

      (3)“Measure” includes any of the following submitted to the people for theirapproval or rejection at an election:

      (a)A proposed law.

      (b)An Act or part of an Act of the Legislative Assembly.

      (c)A revision of or amendment to the Oregon Constitution.

      (d)Local, special or municipal legislation.

      (e)A proposition or question.

      (4)“Prospective petition” means the information, except signatures and otheridentification of petition signers, required to be contained in a completedpetition. [1979 c.190 §140; 1983 c.392 §3]


      250.010 [Amended by1957 c.608 §120; repealed by 1979 c.190 §431]


      250.015Form of petition; numbering of signature sheets; rules. The Secretaryof State by rule shall:

      (1)Design the form of the prospective petition, and the initiative and thereferendum petition, including the signature sheets, to be used in anyinitiative or referendum in this state.

      (2)Designate the quality of paper to be used for signature sheets in order toensure the legibility of the signatures.

      (3)Prescribe a system for numbering the signature sheets to be used in anyinitiative or referendum in this state. [1979 c.190 §141; 1979 c.345 §1; 1981c.909 §1; 1989 c.68 §5; 2005 c.22 §188]


      250.020 [Amended by1957 c.608 §121; 1961 c.121 §4; 1979 c.190 §232; 1979 c.519 §17; renumbered254.085]


      250.025Qualifications for signers of petition; removal of signatures. (1) Any electormay sign an initiative or referendum petition for any measure on which theelector is entitled to vote.

      (2)After an initiative or referendum petition is submitted for signatureverification, no elector who signed the petition may remove the signature ofthe elector from the petition. [Formerly 254.160; 1985 c.808 §24]


      250.029Withdrawal of initiative or referendum petition; form. (1) Except asprovided in subsection (2) of this section, the chief petitioners of aninitiative or referendum petition may withdraw the petition at any time priorto the submission of the petition for signature verification.

      (2)The chief petitioners of an initiative petition relating to a state measure maywithdraw the petition at any time prior to the submission of the total numberof signatures required on the petition for signature verification.

      (3)The Secretary of State by rule shall design a form for use in filing awithdrawal of any initiative or referendum petition. The withdrawal form mustbe signed by all of the chief petitioners and filed with the filing officer. [1995c.607 §25; 2009 c.533 §9]


      250.030 [Amended by1957 c.608 §122; 1961 c.121 §5; 1979 c.190 §233; 1979 c.317 §8a; 1979 c.519 §18a;renumbered 254.095]


      250.031Rules for conduct of election under section 11, Article XI of OregonConstitution.The Secretary of State shall adopt administrative rules for the conduct ofelections under section 11, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, that includebut are not limited to provisions that:

      (1)Set forth the requirements for an election to which section 11 (8), Article XIof the Oregon Constitution, is applicable that are consistent with the voterregistration requirements of ORS chapter 247 and with the federal NationalVoter Registration Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-31);

      (2)Provide directions to election officers for calculating whether the requirednumber of registered voters eligible to vote voted in the election; and

      (3)Interpret the words “cast a ballot” in section 11 (8), Article XI of the OregonConstitution, as meaning that a ballot was lawfully cast, whether or not thevote of that ballot may lawfully be counted for reasons other than theeligibility of the voter to vote. [1997 c.541 §310]


      250.035Form of ballot titles for state and local measures. (1) The ballottitle of any measure, other than a state measure, to be initiated or referredshall consist of:

      (a)A caption of not more than 10 words which reasonably identifies the subject ofthe measure;

      (b)A question of not more than 20 words which plainly phrases the chief purpose ofthe measure so that an affirmative response to the question corresponds to anaffirmative vote on the measure; and

      (c)A concise and impartial statement of not more than 175 words summarizing themeasure and its major effect.

      (2)The ballot title of any state measure to be initiated or referred shall consistof:

      (a)A caption of not more than 15 words that reasonably identifies the subjectmatter of the state measure. The caption of an initiative or referendumamendment to the Constitution shall begin with the phrase, “AmendsConstitution,” which shall not be counted for purposes of the 15-word captionlimit;

      (b)A simple and understandable statement of not more than 25 words that describesthe result if the state measure is approved. The statement required by thisparagraph shall include either the phrase, “I vote” or “vote yes,” or asubstantially similar phrase, which may be placed at any point within thestatement;

      (c)A simple and understandable statement of not more than 25 words that describesthe result if the state measure is rejected. The statement required by thisparagraph shall not describe existing statutory or constitutional provisions ina way that would lead an average elector to believe incorrectly that one ofthose provisions would be repealed by approval of the state measure, ifapproval would not have that result. Any thing or action described both in thestatement required by paragraph (b) of this subsection and in the statementrequired by this paragraph shall be described using the same terms in bothstatements, to the extent practical. Any different terms must be terms that anaverage elector would understand to refer to the same thing or action. Thestatement shall include either the phrase, “I vote” or “vote no,” or asubstantially similar phrase, which may be placed at any point within the statement;and

      (d)A concise and impartial statement of not more than 125 words summarizing thestate measure and its major effect.

      (3)The statements required by subsection (2)(b) and (c) of this section shall bewritten so that, to the extent practicable, the language of the two statementsis parallel.

      (4)The statement required by subsection (2)(b) of this section shall be written sothat an affirmative response to the statement corresponds to an affirmativevote on the state measure.

      (5)The statement required by subsection (2)(c) of this section shall be written sothat an affirmative response to the statement corresponds to a negative vote onthe state measure.

      (6)In the statements required by subsection (2)(b), (c) and (d) of this section,reasonable discretion shall be allowed in the use of articles and conjunctions,but the statements shall not omit articles and conjunctions that are necessaryto avoid confusion to or misunderstanding by an average elector. [1979 c.190 §143;1979 c.675 §1; 1985 c.405 §1; 1987 c.556 §1; 1987 c.875 §1; 1995 c.534 §1; 1997c.541 §312; 1999 c.793 §1; 2001 c.104 §78; 2009 c.566 §3]


      250.036Form of ballot title for measure subject to section 11 (8), Article XI of OregonConstitution; exception. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, allballot titles subject to section 11 (8), Article XI of the Oregon Constitution,shall include the following statement as the first statement of the ballottitle summary:



      Thismeasure may be passed only at an election with at least a 50 percent voterturnout.



      (2)As used in this section, “at least a 50 percent voter turnout” means a voterturnout that meets the requirements of section 11 (8), Article XI of the OregonConstitution.

      (3)The statement required by this section shall not be counted in determining theword count requirements of ORS 250.035.

      (4)Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to the ballot title of a measuresubject to section 11k, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution. [1997 c.541 §311;2009 c.247 §1]


      250.037Form of ballot title for measure requesting approval of certain bonds. (1) The ballottitle of any measure requesting elector approval of bonds, the principal andinterest on which will be payable from taxes imposed on property or propertyownership that are not subject to the limitations of sections 11 and 11b,Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, shall contain, in addition to thematters required by ORS 250.035, the following statement immediately after theballot title question and appearing with it, in this manner:



      Question:(herein the question is stated) If the bonds are approved, they will be payablefrom taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limitsof sections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.



      (2)The words of the statement required by subsection (1) of this section are notcounted for purposes of ORS 250.035.

      (3)The ballot title statement for any measure requesting elector approval ofbonds, the principal and interest on which is to be payable from taxes imposedon property or property ownership that are not subject to the limitations ofsections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, shall contain, inaddition to the other requirements of ORS 250.035 and this section, areasonably detailed, simple and understandable description of the use ofproceeds.

      (4)The front of the outer envelope in which the ballot title is delivered shallstate, clearly and boldly printed in red, “CONTAINS VOTE ON PROPOSED TAXINCREASE.” [1991 c.902 §119; 1997 c.541 §313; 2007 c.154 §10]


      250.038Form of ballot title for measure authorizing imposition or renewal of localoption taxes or establishing permanent rate limitation. (1) In additionto meeting other applicable requirements of this chapter:

      (a)The ballot title for a measure authorizing the imposition of local option taxesshall contain the statement required by ORS 280.070 (4) and the informationrequired by ORS 280.070 (5);

      (b)The ballot title for a measure authorizing the establishment of a permanentrate limitation shall contain the information required by ORS 280.070 (6); and

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