ORS Chapter 274

Chapter 274 — Submersibleand Submerged Lands











274.005     Definitions


274.015     Determinationof ordinary high and low water


274.025     Jurisdictionover submersible and submerged lands





274.036     Statusof channel of Willamette River; approval of dam; state maintenance of riverlocation




(Saleor Lease)


274.040     Saleor lease of submersible lands; easements; occupation for water works


274.043     Exemptionsfrom leasing requirements; rules




274.060     Regulationof harbor improvements; oyster beds; public easement in submersible lands


(CommonSchool Fund Investments)


274.085     Acquisitionfor Common School Fund investment; lease of lands




274.205     Definitionfor ORS 274.210 to 274.290


274.210     Authorityof department to contract for drainage and reclamation of certain lands


274.220     Applicationfor drainage and reclamation of lands


274.230     Investigationand report by Water Resources Director; terms of contract; bond


274.240     Performanceby contractor; disposal of lands; rules


274.250     Nonperformance;action by department; appeal from decision of department


274.260     Titleof riparian owners




274.280     Surveysand plans for reclamation of lands


274.290     Executionof plan






274.400     Definitionfor ORS 274.400 to 274.412


274.402     Exclusivejurisdiction to assert title to submerged or submersible lands in navigablewaterway


274.404     Administrativedetermination of navigable waterway; rules; procedure


274.406     Declarationof state’s claim; effect


274.408     Publicnotice of claim; content


274.412     Judicialreview of declaration of state’s claim


274.425     Definitionfor ORS 274.430 to 274.520


274.430     Stateownership of meandered lakes; status as navigable and public waters


274.440     Acquisitionof future rights to meandered lakes denied; extension of riparian ownership;lands overflowed by high water


274.450     Acquisitionof riparian rights by department


274.460     Settler’sand riparian owner’s preferential right to purchase land within meander lines


274.470     Settler’sright to deed to land within meander lines; preferential right to additionalland; tacking by successive settlers


274.480     Rightsof riparian owners on Malheur and Mud Lakes


274.490     Settlementof conflicting preferential rights


274.500     Conveyanceof compact area; prices; maximum acreage


274.510     Lakebed lands claimed by the United States


274.520     Acceptanceof deed to lake bed lands as precluding any other claim




274.525     Cityuse of stream bed material


274.530     Leaseor license of stream beds for removal of material; rules for measurement ofvolume removed


274.550     Removalof material without payment of royalties; eligible material and uses


274.560     Leaseterms; bond or security; prohibited lease or purchase option; monthly reportsand payments; rules


274.590     Cooperationwith Washington authorities respecting removal of material from bed of ColumbiaRiver




274.610     Prohibitedcontracts for exploration for hard minerals; scientific research






274.705     Definitionsfor ORS 274.705 to 274.860


274.710     Jurisdictionof department over tidal submerged lands; easements; leases for oil, gas andsulfur


274.715     Sulfurleases


274.720     Effectof ORS 274.705 to 274.860 on power to make other leases and on jurisdiction ofagencies other than department


274.725     Scopeof leases and permits; persons ineligible


(Geologicaland Geophysical Surveys)


274.735     Applicationfor survey permit; effect of permit; rules


274.740     Issuanceof survey permit; renewal; reports


274.745     Drillinglogs and records




274.755     Hearingprior to granting lease or easement


274.760     Considerationsinvolved in granting lease or easement


274.765     Publishingoffer to lease tidal submerged lands; bids; cash bonus; award of lease; fee


274.770     Prohibiteddrilling requirements




274.780     Conditionsin leases and permits; execution; delivery of bonds or contracts to department


274.785     Exclusiverights granted by lease; requirement of diligence; maximum area; assignment


274.790     Royalties


274.795     Rents


274.800     Bonds


274.805     Drillsites


274.810     Commencementof drilling; operational requirements


274.815     Extensionof time when wells to be drilled from filled land or structure


274.820     Watercontamination or pollution


274.825     Nonconflictinguse of leased lands


274.830     Protectinglands from drainage


274.835     Conformanceto laws and regulations; periodic negotiations


274.840     Continuationof lease after cessation of production


274.845     Surrenderof lease


274.850     Cancellationof lease; partial retention of leasehold; removal of equipment


274.855     Restorationof leasehold to original condition


274.860     Protectionand location of filled lands


(WaveEnergy Facilities or Devices)


274.867     Waveenergy; financial assurance; rules




274.885     Leaseof kelp fields


274.890     Timeallowed lessee for survey and erection of plant; filing copy of survey withdepartment


274.895     Removingkelp without lease




274.905     Definitionsfor ORS 274.905 to 274.940


274.910     Applicationand effect


274.915     Leaseor disposal of new lands; method


274.920     Creationof new lands upon submersible or submerged lands


274.925     Rightof public riparian owner to purchase new lands; price determination


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