ORS Chapter 294

Chapter 294 — Countyand Municipal Financial Administration










294.004     Definitions






294.005     Definitionsfor ORS 294.005 to 294.025


294.010     Surrenderof warrants upon payment


294.015     Paymenton lost, stolen or destroyed warrants upon affidavit of owner, payee orrepresentative


294.025     Effectof wrongful payment; liability of officer


294.027     Provisionsrelating to warrants and payment of claims


294.028     Paymentof warrants by depository


294.029     Provisionsof ORS 294.027 and 294.028 not mandatory


294.030     Deductionsfor bonds from compensation of municipal and other employees; purchasing bondsin advance


294.033     Investmentof deferred compensation funds


294.035     Investmentof surplus funds of political subdivisions; approved investments


294.040     Restrictionon investments under ORS 294.035


294.046     Listof approved securities for investment under ORS 294.035; distribution


294.047     Lossof principal on liquidation of investments


294.048     Borrowingmoney when premature withdrawal or liquidation of certain investments wouldcause loss


294.050     Countyborrowing money from county general road fund


294.052     Definitions;investment by municipality of proceeds of bonds


294.053     Investmentby county in master warrants of county


294.055     Useby counties of moneys received from federal government under the MineralLeasing Act


294.060     Apportionmentof moneys received by counties from federal forest reserves to road and schoolfunds


294.065     Useby counties of moneys received from federal government under the federal FloodControl Act


294.070     Expenditureof Taylor Grazing Act funds; advisory board


294.080     Dispositionof interest earned on funds held by county treasurer


294.085     Examiningbooks and papers of county officers


294.090     Countyorders and vouchers to be numbered to correspond to warrants drawn


294.095     Actionor proceeding with respect to budget or levy; fiscal year with respect to whichtaken


294.100     Publicofficial expending money in excess of amount or for different purpose thanprovided by law unlawful; civil liability


294.120     Useof facsimile signatures


294.125     Investmentof funds authorized by order of governing body; limitations


294.135     Investmentmaturity dates


294.145     Prohibitedconduct for custodial officer


294.155     Annualaudit report; monthly report


294.160     Opportunityfor public comment on new fee or fee increase




294.175     Definitions;county expenditures for assessment; determination of adequacy; certification ofadequacy; appeal of denial of certification; effect of certification


294.178     Assessmentgrant to county; determination of grant amount


294.181     Alternativemethod for certification


294.184     CountyAssessment Function Funding Assistance Account; sources; purpose


294.187     CountyAssessment and Taxation Fund; sources; purpose




294.250     Publicationby county governing body of schedule of expenditures and statement ofproceedings; manner of publication; notice




294.305     Sectionsconstituting Local Budget Law


294.311     Definitionsfor ORS 294.305 to 294.565


294.316     Application


294.321     Purposes


294.323     Budgetperiod


294.326     Compliancewith Local Budget Law required prior to expenditure or tax certification;exceptions


294.331     Budgetofficer


294.336     Budgetcommittee


294.341     Governingbody of certain municipal corporations to be budget committee; exception


294.352     Estimatesof expenditures required; form and contents


294.356     Preparationof estimates by school, education service and community college districts andby municipal corporations operating public utility or hospital


294.361     Contentsof estimate of budget resources


294.366     Reservingreceipts from revenue-producing property or facility; deposit in special fund


294.371     Estimateof unappropriated ending fund balance for each fund


294.376     Expenditureand resource estimate sheets; made part of budget document


294.381     Determinationof estimated tax revenues


294.386     Financialsummary


294.391     Budgetmessage


294.396     Timeof making budget message and document


294.401     Budgetcommittee meeting; distribution of budget message and document; copies ofdocument to be available


294.406     Budgetcommittee hearings; approval of budget document


294.411     Submissionof budget document to tax supervising and conservation commission in certaincases prior to publication and approval by budget committee


294.413     Formatfor notices and summaries


294.416     Publicationof budget summary, financial summary, statement of accounting basis and noticesof meeting and availability of budget document


294.418     Alternativebudget publication procedure


294.419     Countybudget summary of revenues and expenditures funded in part by state resources


294.421     Mannerof publication; alternative requirements in certain cases


294.425     Sufficiencyof publication of budget documents; notice to governing body and assessor of publicationerror


294.430     Hearingby governing body on budget document as approved by budget committee;alternative procedure in certain cases


294.435     Governingbody to adopt budget, make appropriations, declare and categorize property taxamount or rate; greater tax, encumbrance or expenditure limited; exception


294.437     Localoption tax approved after adoption of budget; supplemental budget


294.440     Schoolor community college district expending federal or state funds in emergency


294.443     Certaininterest to be included in budget; method


294.445     Basisof accounting used by municipal corporation; change of basis


294.447     Inclusionsin accrued revenues of school districts, education service districts, communitycollege districts and community college service districts using accrual basisof accounting; State School Fund grant calculations


294.450     Transfersof appropriations within fund or from one fund to another; appropriation ofpass-through revenues


294.455     Authorizationto expend or borrow moneys after destruction of property or natural disaster;authorization by chief executive officer to protect public health or safety


294.460     Loansfrom one fund to another; commingling cash balances of funds


294.470     Internalservice funds


294.475     Eliminationof unnecessary fund; disposition of balance


294.480     Supplementalbudget in certain cases; no increase in property taxes permitted


294.483     Supplementalbudget not required in certain cases


294.485     Taxcertification contrary to law voidable by Oregon Tax Court; appeal procedure


294.490     Departmentof Revenue not to interfere with fiscal policy of municipal corporation


294.495     Departmentof Revenue to construe Local Budget Law; rules


294.500     Declaratoryruling by Department of Revenue as to its rules under Local Budget Law


294.505     Divisionof Audits to issue notification of budgetary irregularities; Department ofRevenue to advise municipal corporation of correct procedures


294.510     Orderfor revision of budgetary procedures; enforcement


294.515     Appealby municipal corporation from Department of Revenue order


294.520     Priorityof appeals under Local Budget Law


294.525     Reservefund established without vote; review of need for reserve fund; unexpendedbalances; application to system development charges