ORS Chapter 326 - Oregon Statutes - USA Laws Searching

ORS Chapter 326




Chapter     326.     StateAdministration of Education

                  327.     StateFinancing of Elementary and Secondary Education

                  328.     LocalFinancing of Education

                  329.     OregonEducational Act for the 21st Century; Educational Improvement and Reform

                  330.     BoundaryChanges; Mergers

                  332.     LocalAdministration of Education

                  334.     EducationService Districts

                  335.     HighSchools

                  336.     Conductof Schools Generally

                  337.     Booksand Instructional Materials

                  338.     PublicCharter Schools

                  339.     SchoolAttendance; Admission; Discipline; Safety

                  340.     ExpandedOptions Program

                  341.     CommunityColleges

                  342.     Teachersand Other School Personnel

                  343.     SpecialEducation Services

                  344.     Careerand Technical Education; Rehabilitation; Adult Literacy

                  345.     PrivateSchools

                  346.     Programsfor Persons Who Are Blind or Deaf

                  348.     StudentAid; Education Stability Fund; Planning

                  351.     HigherEducation Generally

                  352.     Stateand Independent Institutions of Higher Education

                  353.     OregonHealth and Science University

                  354.     EducationalTelevision and Radio; Translator Districts; Distance Learning

                  357.     Libraries;Archives; Poet Laureate

                  358.     Museums;Historical Societies; Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Propertiesand Objects; Oregon Historic Families Database

                  359.     Artand Culture



Chapter 326 — StateAdministration of Education











326.011     Policy


326.021     StateBoard of Education membership


326.031     Vacancies


326.041     Meetings;election and term of chairperson; compensation and expenses


326.051     Boardfunctions; rules


326.075     Cooperationwith Education and Workforce Policy Advisor; cooperation and compliance withOregon Student Assistance Commission decisions






326.111     Departmentof Education; composition; functions


(Temporaryprovisions relating to the Oregon Environmental Literacy Task Force arecompiled as notes following ORS 326.111)


326.113     Employeetransfer of unused sick leave


326.115     Departmentof Education Account


(DistrictBusiness Practices)


326.131     Definitionsfor ORS 326.133 and 326.136


326.133     Auditing;list of best practices


326.136     DistrictBest Business Practices Advisory Committee




326.305     Termof Superintendent of Public Instruction


326.310     Superintendent’seducational duties


326.320     Publications;fees; accounting


326.323     Superintendent’ssignature on public contracts


326.330     DeputySuperintendents of Public Instruction; appointment; powers


326.340     Dispositionof conference fees by superintendent; disbursement of fees


326.350     Authorityfor department staff to serve on education-related organizations; EducationalOrganizations Fund; disbursements




326.355     Determinationof school census




326.370     Departmentof Community Colleges and Workforce Development under State Board of Education;rules


326.373     Departmentof Community Colleges and Workforce Development Account


326.375     Commissionerfor Community College Services; appointment; duties


326.380     AdvancedTechnology Education and Training Fund


326.382     Advancedtechnology education and training grants and loans; rules




326.520     Acquisitionof intellectual property by board


326.530     Management,development and disposition of intellectual property


326.540     Revenuefrom intellectual property; Board of Education Invention Fund; purpose




326.543     Adversepossession




326.550     GeneralEducational Development (GED) certificates; rules; how fee determined;accounting




326.565     Standardsfor student records; rules


326.575     Recordswhen student transfers or is placed elsewhere; notice to parents; amendments torecords; rules


326.580     Electronicstudent records; rules; standards; participation by educational institutions


326.585     Definitionsfor ORS 326.587 and 326.589


326.587     Disclosureof Social Security number of higher education student


326.589     Disclosureof Social Security number of community college student


326.591     Actionfor disclosure of Social Security number




326.603     Authorityof school districts and schools to obtain fingerprints and criminal recordscheck of employees and contractors; fee


326.604     Authorityof Department of Education to obtain fingerprints and criminal records check ofemployees


326.606     Departmentrulemaking related to criminal records checks


326.607     Authorityof school districts and schools to obtain criminal records check of volunteersand applicants for employment; fee




326.695     Definitionsfor ORS 326.700 and 326.712


326.700     Purposeof programs; distribution of State School Fund


326.712     Superintendentmay contract with district to provide programs


      326.003 [1991 c.780 §1;repealed by 1993 c.45 §1a]


      326.005 [1961 c.624 §1;repealed by 1965 c.100 §456]


      326.010 [Repealed by1961 c.624 §8 and 1965 c.519 §15]





Inestablishing policy for the administration and operation of the publicelementary and secondary schools and public community colleges in the State ofOregon and in carrying out its duties as prescribed by law, the State Board ofEducation shall consider the goals of modern education, the requirements of asound, comprehensive curriculum best suited to the needs of the students andthe public and any other factors consistent with the maintenance of a modernand efficient elementary and secondary school system and community collegeprogram. [1965 c.100 §1; 1971 c.513 §8]


      326.020 [Amended by1961 c.624 §2; 1963 c.544 §15; repealed by 1965 c.100 §456]


      326.021State Board of Education membership. (1) The State Board of Education shallconsist of:

      (a)The State Treasurer, or the designee of the State Treasurer;

      (b)The Secretary of State, or the designee of the Secretary of State; and

      (c)Seven members, appointed by the Governor for a term of four years beginningJuly 1 of the year of appointment, subject to confirmation by the Senate in themanner provided in ORS 171.562 and 171.565. A person appointed under thisparagraph may not be appointed to serve consecutively more than two full termsas a board member.

      (2)In making appointments under subsection (1) of this section, the Governor shallselect from residents of Oregon one member from each congressional district andtwo members from the state at large. An appointed member may not be engaged inteaching or participate in the administration or operation of any school.

      (3)The Governor may remove appointed members of the State Board of Education forcause at any time after notice and public hearing.

      (4)The State Treasurer and the Secretary of State, or the designee of the StateTreasurer or Secretary of State, are nonvoting, ex officio members of theboard. [1965 c.100 §3 (enacted in lieu of 326.060); 1969 c.695 §4; 1971 c.485 §1;1985 c.565 §56; 1993 c.45 §2; 2009 c.446 §1]


      326.030 [Amended by1961 c.624 §3; renumbered 326.095]


      326.031Vacancies.Appointments made to fill vacancies of the State Board of Education occurringprior to expiration of a term of an appointed member shall be for the remainderof the unexpired term. When a vacancy occurs in an appointment made from acongressional district, the successor shall be appointed from the congressionaldistrict for which the vacancy exists. [1965 c.100 §4; 1985 c.565 §57; 2009c.446 §2]


      326.040 [Amended by1957 c.124 §1; repealed by 1965 c.100 §456]


      326.041Meetings; election and term of chairperson; compensation and expenses. (1) The StateBoard of Education shall meet at least six times each year on dates determinedby the board, and at such other times as may be designated by the chairpersonagreeable to a majority of the board, or at the call of a majority of the boardmembers.

      (2)The board shall elect one of its members to serve as chairperson of the boardfor one year commencing July 1. In case the office of chairperson of the boardis permanently vacated for any reason, the board may elect a new chairperson toserve until the June 30 next following.

      (3)A member is entitled to compensation and expenses as provided in ORS 292.495. [1965c.100 §5; 1967 c.507 §3; 1969 c.314 §21; 1971 c.656 §1; 1987 c.474 §1; 1993c.15 §1; 1993 c.45 §3]


      326.050 [Repealed by1957 c.124 §3]


      326.051Board functions; rules. Subject to ORS 417.300 and 417.305:

      (1)In addition to such other duties as are prescribed by law and pursuant to therequirement of ORS chapter 183, the State Board of Education shall:

      (a)Establish state standards for public kindergartens and public elementary andsecondary schools consistent with the policies stated in ORS 326.011.

      (b)Adopt rules for the general governance of public kindergartens and publicelementary and secondary schools and public community colleges.

      (c)Prescribe required or minimum courses of study.

      (d)Adopt rules regarding school and inter