3131 - Directors.

                               SUBCHAPTER C                   OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS     Sec.     3131.  Directors.     3132.  Officers.     3133.  Notice of meetings of members of mutual insurance            companies.     3134.  Quorum at shareholder or member meetings.     3135.  Proxies of members of mutual insurance companies.     3136.  Judges of election.     3137.  Appointment of custodian.     3138.  Judicial supervision of corporate action.     § 3131.  Directors.        (a)  Qualifications.--Two-thirds of the directors of an     insurance corporation shall be citizens of the United States.        (b)  Number.--The board of directors of an insurance     corporation shall consist of not less than seven members.        Cross References.  Section 3131 is referred to in sections     1722, 1723 of this title.