1304 - Registration criteria.

     § 1304.  Registration criteria.        (a)  General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in this     section, vehicles shall be registered for a flat fee.        (b)  Classification of vehicles.--The department may identify     vehicles by type as to weight, design, loading, use, ownership     or other significant characteristics for purposes of     registration.        (c)  Trucks, truck tractors and trailers.--The department     shall register trucks, truck tractors and trailers at the gross     weight requested by the applicant, provided that the weight is     not greater than allowed in subsection (d) or less than allowed     in subsection (e).        (d)  Maximum registered gross weight.--No truck, truck     tractor or trailer shall be registered at a gross weight in     excess of the lowest of:            (1)  the limiting weights established on the basis of        axle load, tire load, horsepower or gross weight by type of        vehicles;            (2)  the gross vehicle weight rating assigned by the        manufacturer; or            (3)  a combination weight greater than the gross        combination weight rating.     In the case of a vehicle in which no gross vehicle weight rating     or gross combination weight rating is assigned by the     manufacturer or where the vehicle has been altered subsequent to     manufacture to change its weight bearing capacity, an equivalent     rating shall be determined by the department on the basis of the     vehicle's horsepower, braking ability, axle limitations and such     other factors related to safe operation as may be established by     regulations of the department.        (e)  Minimum registered gross weight.--No truck, truck     tractor or trailer shall be registered at less than the total of     the weight of the unladen vehicle, the maximum weight of the     proposed load, the equivalent weight of the fuel capacity, 150     pounds times the seating capacity, and the weight of any     permanently or temporarily attached appurtenances.        (f)  Registered gross weight of trucks and truck tractors.--     Every truck shall have its own registered gross weight and may     also be registered at a registered gross weight for a     combination. Every truck tractor shall be registered at a     registered gross weight for a combination.        (g)  Buses other than school buses.--The department shall     register buses, other than school buses, on the basis of     passenger seating capacity.