4525 - Tire equipment and traction surfaces.

     § 4525.  Tire equipment and traction surfaces.        (a)  General rule.--No vehicle shall be operated on the     highway unless the vehicle is equipped with tires of a type,     size and construction approved by the department for the vehicle     and unless the tires are in a safe operating condition as     determined in accordance with regulations of the department,     except that commercial implements of husbandry may be equipped     with tires marked for nonhighway use.        (b)  Vehicles not equipped with pneumatic tires.--It is     unlawful for any person to operate or move, or cause or permit     to be moved, in contact with any highway any vehicle equipped     with traction or road contact surfaces other than pneumatic     tires unless of a type, size and construction permitted by     regulations of the department and unless the movement is made     under specific conditions allowed by regulations of the     department.        (c)  Ice grips and tire studs.--Tires in which ice grips or     tire studs of wear resisting material have been installed which     provide resiliency upon contact with the road and which have     projections not exceeding two thirty-seconds of an inch beyond     the tread of the traction surface of the tire shall be permitted     between November 1 of each year and April 15 of the following     year. The Governor may by executive order extend the time tires     with ice grips or tire studs may be used when highway conditions     are such that such tires would be a safety factor in traveling     Commonwealth highways. The use of tires with ice grips or tire     studs contrary to the provisions of this subsection shall be     unlawful.        (d)  Tire chains.--Tire chains may be temporarily used on     vehicles during periods of snow and ice emergency if they are in     conformance with regulations promulgated by the department.        (e)  Penalty.--            (1)  Any person violating the provisions of subsection        (c) shall be guilty of a summary offense and, upon conviction        thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine as indicated in        paragraph (2) and, in default of payment thereof, shall        undergo imprisonment for not more than 30 days.            (2)  Fines for violation of subsection (c) relating to        the period of use of ice grips or tire studs shall be        determined from the following chart based on the period of        unauthorized use:                April 16 to May 31                  $35                June 1 to June 30                    45                July 1 to July 31                    55                August 1 to August 31                55                September 1 to September 30          55                October 1 to October 31              55            (3)  Fines for any other violation of subsection (c)        shall be determined according to the chart in paragraph (2)        except that fines for violations occurring between November 1        to April 15 shall be $10.     (Nov. 10, 1979, P.L.460, No.95, eff. imd.; July 10, 1984,     P.L.679, No.146, eff. 60 days; May 20, 1993, P.L.30, No.10, eff.     60 days)        1993 Amendment.  Act 10 amended subsec. (a).        1984 Amendment.  Act 146 amended subsecs. (c) and (e).