§ 1-3-4 - Airport approach plans.


   § 1-3-4  Airport approach plans. – The airport corporation shall formulate, adopt and revise, when necessary, anairport airspace plan for each publicly owned airport in the state. Each planshall indicate the circumstances in which structures and trees are or would beairport hazards, the area within which measures for the protection of theairport's navigable airspace, including aerial approaches, should be taken, andwhat the height limits and other objectives of those measures should be. Inadopting or revising any airspace plan, the airport corporation shall consider,among other things, the character of flying operations expected to be conductedat the airport, the traffic pattern and regulations affecting flying operationsat the airport, the nature of the terrain, the height of existing structuresand trees above the level of the airport, and the possibility of lowering orremoving existing obstructions. The airport corporation may obtain and considerthe views of the agency of the federal government charged with the fostering ofcivil aeronautics, as to the aerial approaches and other regulated airspacenecessary to safe flying operations at the airport.