§ 10-10-2 - Form of writ from superior court.

SECTION 10-10-2

   § 10-10-2  Form of writ from superiorcourt. – An original writ of arrest issued from the superior court shall besubstantially in the following form:



   To the sheriffs of our several counties, or to their deputies,


   We command you to arrest the body of         of         , if to be found in yourprecinct, and            in safecustody keep, to answer the complaint of         of         on the return day hereof(said return day being the         day of         A. D.19   ) in the SUPERIOR COURT to be holden at the countycourthouse at          , in anaction of          as bydeclaration to be filed in court will be fully set forth, to the damage of theplaintiff, as he or she says,         dollars.

   Hereof fail not, and make true return of this writ with yourdoings thereon.

   Witness, the seal of our superior court, at         this         day of         in the year         . ,Clerk.