§ 17-19-14 - Preparation of voting equipment for election – Testing.

SECTION 17-19-14

   § 17-19-14  Preparation of voting equipmentfor election – Testing. – (a) Prior to any election at which optical scan precinct count units are to beused, the secretary of state shall prepare the layout and format of thecomputer ballot in conjunction with the voting equipment vendor under contractwith the state. The secretary of state shall be responsible for the coding andlayout of all computer ballots to be used in each election under contract,including the printing of the ballot and the preparation of the device toensure that the ballots are compatible with the device, and shall transfer allinformation relative to the ballot and its preparation to the state board.

   (b) Subsequently, the state board, in conjunction with thevoter equipment vendor under contract with the state, shall be responsible forthe testing of the programmed memory cartridge, the testing of each unit forlogic and accuracy, and the set up of each optical scan precinct unit at eachpolling place. The state board of elections shall determine, and document onthe forms provided for that purpose, the fact that the programmed memorycartridges for the optical scan precinct count units are in good working order,that the daily counter is at zero, and all of the candidates' counters are setat zero and record no vote for any candidate.

   (c) The state board of elections, in conjunction with thevoting equipment vendor under contract with the state, shall publicly conductthese tests on each programmed cartridge for each optical scan precinct countunit to be used for the election. This testing shall be made as near to thetime of the election as is feasible.