§ 17-19-17 - Custody of optical scan precinct count units and voting booths – Duties of local boards – Posting of sample ballots.

SECTION 17-19-17

   § 17-19-17  Custody of optical scanprecinct count units and voting booths – Duties of local boards –Posting of sample ballots. – Each local board shall be responsible for safeguarding the optical scanprecinct count units and voting booths delivered to it, and shall properly andsafely locate the optical scan precinct count units in the polling places wherethey are to be used. The local board shall also be responsible for the storageof all voting booths assigned to them, and shall cause the voting booths to bedelivered and picked up at the polling places in which they are to be used. Thelocal board shall cause the keys of the voting equipment to be delivered to thewarden of the elective meeting at which optical scan precinct count units areto be used at least half an hour before the opening of the polls. The key orkeys of each optical scan precinct count unit shall be placed in a sealedenvelope upon which shall be written or printed the number and location of theoptical scan precinct count unit, and any other information or certificationrequired pursuant to regulations promulgated by the state board of elections.The envelope shall be opened by the warden in the presence of the otherelection officers. The custody of the voting equipment shall remain with thelocal board up to the time of the delivery of the keys to the warden, and thelocal board shall be held fully responsible for any damage or injury to anyvoting equipment while it is in its custody, and for the failure to have votingequipment ready for use at the time of the opening of the polls. The localboard shall cause the sample ballots to be posted in a conspicuous place ineach polling place, outside the guard rail.