§ 17-20-22 - Certification envelopes for mail ballots of persons intimately connected with military service and persons employed outside of the United States.

SECTION 17-20-22

   § 17-20-22  Certification envelopes formail ballots of persons intimately connected with military service and personsemployed outside of the United States. – The distinctively colored certification envelope for persons intimatelyconnected with military service and persons employed outside of the UnitedStates shall be printed in substantially the following form:

   After marking ballot or ballots, fold and enclose in thisenvelope and seal it. Certify to statement hereon. Enclose in envelopeaddressed to board of elections, which must receive the envelope not later thannine o'clock (9:00) p.m. the day of election.

   Date of Election]]]]]]]]]]]]]] City/Townof]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

   Oath of Elector Casting the Enclosed Ballot orBallots

   I do hereby affirm that:

   (1) I am a citizen of the United States;

   (2) The date of my birth was]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]];

   (3) I am (check appropriate item):

   (a) In the armed forces of the United States(    );

   (b) In the merchant marine of the United States(   );

   (c) A member of

   (Insert name of group or agency)

   which is a religious group or welfare agency assistingmembers of the armed forces of the United States, and am officially attached toand serving with the armed forces (   ).

   (d) Employed outside of the United States and have appliedfor a mail ballot through the use of the FPCA (Federal Post Card Application)(   ):

   (e) The spouse (   ) or dependent(   ) (check one) of, and residing outside of the state of RhodeIsland with, ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] who is:

   (Insert name)

   (check appropriate item)

   (i) In the armed forces of the United States(   );

   (ii) In the merchant marine of the United States(   );

   (iii) A member of

   (Insert name of group or agency which is a religious group orwelfare agency assisting members of the armed forces of the United States, andwho is officially attached to and serving with the armed forces(   ).

   (iv) Employed outside of the United States and has appliedfor a mail ballot through the use of the FPCA (Federal Post Card Application)(   ).


    (Signature of voter)