§ 19-28.1-31 - Cooperation with other agencies or organizations.

SECTION 19-28.1-31

   § 19-28.1-31  Cooperation with otheragencies or organizations. – To encourage uniform application and interpretation of this act and effectivefranchise regulation and enforcement, the director may cooperate with federal,state or foreign agencies or administrators and law enforcement agencies,including:

   (1) Conducting joint examinations and investigations;

   (2) Holding joint administrative hearings;

   (3) Filing and prosecuting joint civil or administrativeproceedings;

   (4) Sharing and exchanging information and documents subjectto the restrictions of this state;

   (5) Sharing and exchanging personnel;

   (6) Formulating rules, regulations, statements of policy,guidelines, proposed statutory changes and interpretive opinions and releases;and

   (7) Issuing and enforcing subpoenas at the request of thefederal trade commission or an agency administering franchise statutes inanother jurisdiction if the information sought would also be subject to lawfulsubpoena for conduct occurring in this state.