§ 19-9-24 - Fraudulent checks – Small amounts.

SECTION 19-9-24

   § 19-9-24  Fraudulent checks – Smallamounts. – (a) Any person who purchases any goods, materials, or services, makes paymentfor that purchase by check, draft, or order for payment of money, and takespossession of the goods or materials, or has the benefit of the service, andwho subsequently orders payment stopped on the check, draft, or order forpayment, or who, with intent to defraud, makes, draws, utters, or delivers anycheck, draft, or order for the payment of money, in an amount not exceeding onethousand dollars ($1,000), upon any regulated institution or other depository,knowing at the time of making, drawing, uttering, or delivering that the makeror drawer has not sufficient funds in, or credit with, that regulatedinstitution or other depository for the payment of that check, draft, or order,in full, upon its presentation, shall, upon conviction, be fined not more thanfive hundred dollars ($500) or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or may besubjected to both fine and imprisonment.

   (b) With regard to the purchase of any goods or materials, itshall not be in violation of this section if goods or materials are returned tothe vendor within three (3) business days of the filing of the stop paymentorder.

   (c) The word "credit" means an arrangement or understandingwith the regulated institution or other depository, for the payment of thecheck, draft, or order.

   (d) Any person violating any of these provisions may beprosecuted and proceeded against in any judicial district or in any county inwhich the offense was committed, or in which the check, draft, or order wasuttered or delivered.