§ 2-3-6 - Raising of local funds – Amount of state contributions – Local matching funds.


   § 2-3-6  Raising of local funds –Amount of state contributions – Local matching funds. – (a) Each district association shall raise funds for the purposes provided inthis chapter. Each city or town within its respective district is authorized toappropriate and turn over to the treasurer of the association serving thatdistrict any sums that the city or town may approve.

   (b) For the purpose of paying the state's share of the annualexpenses of the cooperative educational work provided for in §§ 2-3-1– 2-3-6, the general assembly shall annually appropriate any sum that itdeems necessary. Any district association not raising within the districtcovered by the district association, exclusive of funds received from anyagency of the United States, an amount equal to the sum appropriated by thestate for use by that district association shall draw from the stateappropriation during the fiscal year only a sum equal to the amount raised bythat district association, exclusive of funds received from any agency of theUnited States, and expended during the fiscal year as shown by a certificatefiled in the office of the state controller, sworn to by the president andtreasurer of the district association. The state controller is authorized anddirected to draw orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of any sumsauthorized upon the presentation of the certificates and vouchers signed by thepresident and treasurer of the district association respectively.