§ 21-5-6 - Certification of testing machine operators – Fees.

SECTION 21-5-6

   § 21-5-6  Certification of testing machineoperators – Fees. – It shall be unlawful for any person within the state of Rhode Island tomanipulate the Babcock or other centrifugal machine to determine thecomposition of milk, cream, or any milk product for purposes of inspecting milkor milk products without first obtaining a certificate from the director thathe or she is competent to do that work. The fee for certification shall be fivedollars ($5.00), and shall be paid to the director for the use of the state. Ifa holder of a certificate is notified by the director to correct his or her useof the centrifugal machine, the actual cost of an inspection to ascertain ifthat person has corrected his or her use of the machine shall be paid by theperson or by his or her employer to the director for the use of the state.