§ 23-19.6-7 - Collection facilities.

SECTION 23-19.6-7

   § 23-19.6-7  Collection facilities. –The director shall designate Rhode Island state motor vehicle inspectionfacilities and any other facilities it deems appropriate which are safe andconveniently located and which agree to serve as collection facilities for thedeposit of used oil, at no cost to a person making the deposit. Each designatedfacility shall post and maintain a durable and legible sign readily visible inan appropriate place which indicates the facility is designated as a used oildisposal location. The designated facility shall install and maintain on thepremises used oil collection containers, properly sheltered and protected toprevent spillage, seepage, or discharge of the used oil, and of sufficient sizeto handle returns of used oil and used oil containers. Each designated facilityregularly shall remove and dispose or have removed and disposed by used oilcollectors, the accumulated oil in a manner as required by law.