§ 23-23-5.3 - Advisory commission created.

SECTION 23-23-5.3

   § 23-23-5.3  Advisory commission created.– (a) There is created an operating permits advisory commission. The advisorycommission shall consist of the director of the department of environmentalmanagement, or his or her designee, and six (6) additional members who shall beappointed as follows: three (3) members by the governor, two (2) of whom shallbe members of the regulated community, and one of whom shall be a member of anenvironmental citizens group registered as a nonbusiness corporation in thestate; one by the speaker of the house; one by the president of the senate; andone jointly by the house minority leader and the senate minority leader, whoshall be a member of the minority party. A chairperson and vice chairpersonshall be elected by the members of the commission. The director of thedepartment of environmental management shall be the secretary of the advisorycommission.

   (b) The duties of the operating permits advisory commissionshall be to review, advise, and evaluate the collection of operating feespursuant to § 23-23-5(18) and the development and administration of theoperating permit program. The commission shall conduct or commission an annualprogram review. The annual program review shall, at a minimum, examine staffingand resource needs, permit program efficiency, and cost requirements. The costof conducting the activities of the advisory commission, including the cost ofthe annual program review, shall be paid from the clean air operating permitfee fund. The commission shall meet quarterly. The advisory commission shallhave the authority to request and obtain all information from the departmentnecessary to perform its responsibilities.