§ 23-25.4-3 - Definitions.

SECTION 23-25.4-3

   § 23-25.4-3  Definitions. – For the purposes of this chapter:

   (1) "Assisted living residence" has the same meaning as suchterm is defined in § 23-17.4-2 and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

   (2) "Blister packages" means multi-dose containers of aspecific medication repackaged by the pharmacy in accordance with section 13.7of the regulations promulgated under chapter 19.1 of title 5 and intended for aspecific patient.

   (3) "Cancer drugs" means any of several drugs that control orkill neoplastic cells, commonly referred to as "cancer-fighting chemotherapy"to destroy cancer cells.

   (4) "Charitable clinic" means an organized ambulatory carefacility licensed pursuant to chapter 17 of title 23 organized as a nonprofitcorporation pursuant to § 7-6-2 that:

   (i) Holds a valid exemption from federal income taxationissued pursuant to Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C.§ 501(1);

   (ii) Has a licensed outpatient pharmacy located at theorganized ambulatory care facility or a contract with a retail pharmacy toparticipate in the program established under this chapter.

   (5) "Health care prescriber" means any of the followingpersons licensed and authorized to prescribe drugs or to provide medical,dental, or other health-related diagnoses, care or treatment within the scopeof their professional license:

   (i) A physician holding a current license to practicemedicine pursuant to chapter 37 of title 5;

   (ii) A certified registered nurse practitioner licensedpursuant to chapter 34 of title 5;

   (iii) A physician assistant licensed pursuant to chapter 54of title 5;

   (iv) A dentist licensed pursuant to chapter 31.1 of title 5;

   (v) An optometrist licensed pursuant to chapter 35 of title5; and

   (vi) A pharmacist licensed pursuant to chapter 19.1 of title5.

   (vii) A nurse – midwife licensed pursuant to chapter 13of title 23; and

   (viii) A psychiatric and mental health clinical nursespecialist licensed pursuant to chapter 34 of title 5.

   (6) "Medically indigent" means a person eligible to receiveMedicaid or Medicare or a person who has no health insurance and who otherwiselacks reasonable means to purchase prescribed drugs.

   (7) "Prescription drug" means a drug that may be dispensedonly upon prescription by a health care prescriber authorized by his or herlicensing authority and as defined in chapter 5-19.1.

   (8) "Unit-dose container" is one that is designed to hold aquantity of a drug intended for use as a single dose and used promptly afterthe container is opened. The immediate container, and/or the outer container orprotective packaging shall be designed to show evidence of any tampering withthe contents. Each individual container shall be fully identifiable containinga single dose of a single entity and shall protect the integrity of the dosageform. Labeling shall be in accordance with USP standards compendia and federaland state law and shall include the identity, quantity, and strength of theproduct, name of the manufacturer, and lot number and expiration date of thearticle.