§ 23-27.3- - State energy conservation code.

SECTION 23-27.3-

   § 23-27.3-  State energyconservation code. – (a) The state building code standards committee shall adopt, an energyconservation code, which shall be based on appropriate nationally andinternationally recognized models, and shall promulgate and administer theenergy conservation code. The energy conservation code shall contain provisionspertaining to, but not limited to, the construction of buildings, the use ofrenewable energy resources in buildings, the efficient use of energy withinbuildings, and the orientation of buildings on their sites. The state energyconservation code shall at a minimum:

   (1) For residential buildings, meet or exceed the mostrecently published International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), or achieveequivalent or greater energy savings. The state building code standardscommittee shall revise the state energy conservation code to comply with thisrequirement within one year of any update to the International EnergyConservation Code.

   (2) For commercial buildings, meet or exceed theANSI/ASHRAE/IESN A Standard 90.1-2007, or achieve equivalent or greater energysavings.

   (b) The state building code standards committee shall developa plan to achieve compliance with the building code(s) described insubdivisions (1) and (2) no later than February 17, 2017 in at least ninetypercent (90%) of new and renovated residential and commercial building space inthe state. Such plan shall include active training and enforcement programs andmeasurement of the rate of compliance each year.