§ 23-28.28-5 - Permit to possess explosives.

SECTION 23-28.28-5

   § 23-28.28-5  Permit to possess explosives.– (a) Application for a permit to possess explosives, other than empty cartridgeshells (primed), percussion caps, small arms ammunition, small arms primers andsmokeless powder for small arms, or black powder in excess of five (5) poundsshall be made in writing to the state fire marshal in such form as the statefire marshal shall prescribe and shall state among other things:

   (1) The name and address of the applicant;

   (2) The reason for desiring the permit to possess explosives;

   (3) The applicant's citizenship, if the applicant is anindividual;

   (4) If the applicant is a partnership, the names andaddresses of the partners and their citizenship; and

   (5) If the applicant is a corporation or other businessentity, the names and addresses of the officers thereof and their citizenship.

   (b) The state fire marshal shall issue the permit applied forunless he or she finds that either the applicant or the officers, agents, oremployees of the applicant have been convicted of a felony or a crime involvingmoral turpitude, or is disloyal to the United States, and, provided, further,that no permit shall be issued to any person under the age of twenty-one (21)years of age.

   (c) Provided, however, that if the applicant holds a validpermit from the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms of the department oftreasury, then the state fire marshal may issue a permit to possess explosives.