§ 24-12-14 - Jury trial on price of land.

SECTION 24-12-14

   § 24-12-14  Jury trial on price of land.– Any owner of or persons entitled to any estate in or interested in any part ofthe land, or interest therein, so taken, who cannot agree with the authorityfor the price of the land, or interest therein, so taken in which he or she isinterested may, within three (3) months after personal notice of the taking,or, if he or she have no personal notice, may within one year from the firstpublication of the copy of the resolution and statement, apply by petition tothe superior court in and for the county in which the land, or interesttherein, lies, setting forth the taking of his or her land or interest therein,and praying for an assessment of damages by a jury. Upon filing of the petitionthe court shall cause twenty (20) days' notice of the pendency thereof to begiven to the authority by serving the chairperson or vice chairperson of theauthority with a certified copy thereof, and may proceed after notice to thetrial thereof; and the trial shall determine all questions of fact relating tothe value of the land, or interest therein, and the amount thereof, andjudgment shall be entered upon the verdict of the jury and execution shall beissued therefor against the money so deposited in court and in default thereofagainst any other property of the authority. In case two (2) or moreconflicting petitioners make claim to the same land, or to any intereststherein, or to different interests in the same parcel of land, the court uponmotion shall consolidate their several petitions for trial at the same time bythe same jury, and may frame all necessary issues for the trial thereof; andall proceedings taken pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall takeprecedence over all other civil matters then pending before the court, or ifthe superior court in and for the county in which the land, or interesttherein, lies, is not in session in the county, then the matter may be heard inthe superior court for the counties of Providence and Bristol.