§ 28-46-6 - Compromising non-vested pension benefits.

SECTION 28-46-6

   § 28-46-6  Compromising non-vested pensionbenefits. – (a) As part of the investigation of an employer, the director shall determinethe amount of non-vested pension benefits which have been compromised orsettled to his or her satisfaction.

   (b) Non-vested pension benefits may be compromised or settledby:

   (1) Agreement between the employer and employee which ismutually understood by both parties to be a complete and final satisfaction ofthose benefits; or

   (2) A provision in a collective bargaining agreement to whichboth the employer and employee are a party concerning the disposition ofpension benefits in case the employer ceases to operate a place of employmentor providing a benefit to the employee contingent upon the employer ceasing tooperate a place of employment.