§ 3-1-1 - Definitions.


   § 3-1-1  Definitions. – As used in this title, unless the context otherwise requires:

   (1) "Beverage" means any liquid which either by itself or bymixture with any other liquid or liquids is or may become fit for humanconsumption as a drink and which contains five-tenths of one per cent (.5%) ormore of alcohol by weight.

   (2) "Club" means a corporation subject to the provisions ofchapter 6 of title 7, owning, hiring, or leasing a building or space in abuilding of such extent and character as may be suitable and adequate for thereasonable and comfortable accommodation of its members, and whose affairs andmanagement are conducted by a board of directors, executive committee or othersimilar body chosen by the members at a meeting held for that purpose, none ofwhose members, officers, agents, or employees are paid directly or indirectlyany compensation by way of profit from the distribution or sale of beverages tothe members of the club or to its guests beyond the amount of any reasonablesalary or wages as may be fixed and voted each year by the directors or othergoverning body.

   (3) "Department" means the department of business regulation.

   (4) "Director" means the director of the department ofbusiness regulation.

   (5) "Division of taxation" means the division of taxation ofthe department of administration.

   (6) "Farmer-winery" means any plant or premise where wine isproduced, rectified, blended or fortified from fruits, flowers, herbs orvegetables.

   (7) "Import" means at one time or in one transaction to takeor cause to be taken into this state from outside the state any malt beveragein excess of eight (8) gallons or any vinous beverage or any beverageconsisting in whole or in part of alcohol produced by distillation in excess ofthree (3) gallons.

   (8) "Intoxicating beverage" means a beverage which containsmore than three and two-tenths percent (3.2%) of alcohol by weight.

   (9) "Malt beverage" means any beverage which is usuallyproduced at breweries, as distinguished from distilleries.

   (10) "Nonintoxicating beverage" means a beverage whichcontains not more than three and two-tenths percent (3.2%) of alcohol by weight.

   (11) "Tavern" means any house where the principal business isthe furnishing of food and sleeping accommodations.

   (12) "Victualing house" means any shop or place where asubstantial part of the business is the furnishing of food for consumption atthe place where it is furnished.

   (13) "Winegrower" means any person licensed to operate afarmer's winery under § 3-6-1.1.

   (14) "Wines" means all fermented alcoholic beverages madefrom fruits, flowers, herbs, or vegetables and containing not more thantwenty-four percent (24%) of alcohol by volume at sixty degrees Fahrenheit (60degrees F), except cider obtained by the alcohol fermentation of the juice ofapples and containing not less than five tenths of one percent (.05%) orcontaining not more than six percent (6%), of alcohol by weight at sixtydegrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees F) including but not limited to flavored,sparkling, or carbonated cider.