§ 3-6-1 - Manufacturer's license.


   § 3-6-1  Manufacturer's license. – (a) A manufacturer's license authorizes the holder to establish and operate abrewery, distillery, or winery at the place described in the license for themanufacture of beverages within this state. The license does not authorize morethan one of the activities of operator of a brewery or distillery or winery anda separate license shall be required for each plant.

   (b) The license also authorizes the sale at wholesale at thelicensed place by the manufacturer of the product of the licensed plant toanother license holder and the transportation and delivery from the place ofsale to a licensed place or to a common carrier for that delivery. The licensedoes not authorize the sale of beverages for consumption on premises wheresold. The license does not authorize the sale of beverages in this state fordelivery outside this state in violation of the law of the place of delivery.

   (c) The annual fee for the license is three thousand dollars($3,000) for a distillery, five hundred dollars ($500) for a brewery, and onethousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for a winery producing more than fiftythousand (50,000) gallons per year and five hundred dollars ($500) per year fora winery producing less than fifty thousand (50,000) gallons per year. Allthose fees are prorated to the year ending December 1 in every calendar yearand shall be paid to the division of taxation and be turned over to the generaltreasurer for the use of the state.