§ 30-9-11 - Search warrant.

SECTION 30-9-11

   § 30-9-11  Search warrant. – Any court of the state empowered to issue search warrants, on complaint on oathmade to it by the adjutant general, by any commissioned officer authorized bythe adjutant general, or by, any commanding officer of any organization, unit,or separate detachment of the national guard, that any arms, ammunition,uniforms, equipment, supplies, or other military property of the state or forwhich the state is responsible is unlawfully being withheld by any personwithin the jurisdiction of the court, and where the military property isbelieved to be in a particular place specified in the complaint, shall issue toany sheriff, deputy sheriff, town sergeant, member of any municipal or statepolice, or constable a warrant in the nature of a search warrant, commandinghim or her in the name of the state diligently to search the house or placedescribed therein, in the daytime and upon the finding of the military propertythe court issuing the warrant shall order the property to be delivered to theofficer making the complaint.